Inferno-Kat 2

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Book: Inferno-Kat 2 Read Free
Author: Vivi Anna
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Erotic Fiction
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system, she possessed the inhuman strength to rip off a man’s arm without blinking.
    Straightening, Kat looked around the room. It was small and meager, with only a bed and a small table beside it. She scanned the surface of the table and noticed a small lantern and a book.
    Interest cocked her brow, and she reached for the suede-covered, thick volume. She never imagined Hades as a reader. The title read Dracula by Bram Stoker. As she thumbed through the worn, aged pages, a floral aroma floated from between the sheets of paper. A gift from the woman.
    Kat set down the book and wondered how serious the relationship with this other woman really was. Before she had fallen asleep, Kat had smelled the mattress and the covers. If Hades was sleeping with the woman, it wasn’t in his bed. Ethically Kat knew she had no claim on him.
    Leaving him had revoked any entitlement to him.
    But she never professed to have any ethics anyway. Hades was hers. He belonged to her, and if he forced the issue, she would grudgingly admit to belonging to him. She wouldn’t be leaving this place without him.
    Damn anyone that got in her way.
    Stifling a shiver, Kat picked up her jacket from the floor, where she had tossed it earlier, and slipped it on. She wished she would’ve heeded Nemo’s advice and packed heavier clothing.
    She’d forgotten that there were four actual seasons up north. Winter did follow autumn. In the outer rims, it was one season. Summer. Dry, hot, and miserable. Three things a person could depend on 365 days of the year.
    Zipping up her leather, she paused. A melodious voice sounded through the closed bedroom door. Hades had company, and Kat didn’t have to guess who that person could be.
    After running a hand through her hair and patting down the pieces she was certain stuck up in haphazard directions, Kat reached for the door and opened it. Her eyes met Hades’ as she stepped over the threshold and into the kitchen. They were having dinner, it looked like. Or had just finished, as both their plates had only bits and crumbs left. Kat took a quick intake of air.
    Smelled like stew and fresh-baked bread. Who knew Hades could cook?
    “I would think that—” The woman’s voice halted midsentence.
    Kat turned and met the woman’s gaze. She sat in the exact spot Kat had predicted, chestnut-brown hair pulled back in a simple ponytail, slim hands resting primly on the table, her doe-brown eyes wide with shock.
    Hades pushed back his chair but didn’t stand. “How did you sleep?”
    “Good. Your bed’s comfy.” She smiled.

    Out of the corner of her eye, Kat saw the woman bristle. She had obviously hit a sore spot. The woman wanted to be in Hades’ bed, but so far it seemed he had avoided her advances. Good, she wouldn’t have to beat the woman up. Sometimes Kat liked taking the diplomatic way out of things. So far, that had happened only once, but she had held out that one day another situation would arise.
    Like this one.
    “Mary, this is Kat.” His gaze stayed on Kat. “An old friend.”
    “Oh.” Mary brought her hands down off the table and blinked several times. Kat thought it looked like she was about to cry. “Nice to meet you, Kat. Are you here for a visit?”
    Pulling out the third chair, Kat sat and reached for Hades’ near-empty plate. There was still a small piece of bread on it. She picked it up and popped it into her mouth. Then she looked at Mary and smiled. “Something like that,” she said between chews.
    Mary averted her gaze and then looked at Hades and smiled. “I’ll be going then.” She pushed to a stand. “Thank you for dinner, Hades. Once again you managed to make a delicious meal.”
    Hades stood and accompanied her to the front door. As they walked, Kat noticed that Mary touched his arm and gazed up at him with adoration in her eyes. The girl was smitten, that was obvious. Was Hades? He had better not be!
    When he opened the door, Mary glanced past him toward Kat and nodded.

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