significantly less awkward.
However, much to his astonishment, Lucerne extended a hand to the girl, and off the pair went, smiling prettily at one another.
Mrs. Wincombe obviously having discharged her duty took one glance at Vaughan’s scowl and made a hasty retreat. Vaughan lingered as the train of people moved into the dining room. Few people remained when Bella appeared by his side and entwined an arm around his.
“Hungry?” Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she looked up him. “Music always gives me an appetite.”
“Indeed. Though not as I recall, for food.”
* * * * *
Bella left the dining room unaccompanied forty minutes later still hungry, and now irritated too. Vaughan had been right. The food, though delicious, hadn’t sated her appetite. What she craved was something more physical, something akin to the sensuous journey Lucerne often made with his tongue up her spine, better yet, the feel of his hands warming her bottom as a prelude to slipping into her welcoming heat.
Sadly, Lucerne continued to be monopolized by Miss St John, who, to her disgust, had taken to fluttering her eyelashes and leaning too close. Worse still, Lucerne was reciprocating with half-smiles of his own.
Had Vaughan not noticed the flirting going on? He didn’t normally tolerate such competition. She spied him on the far side of the dance floor, surrounded by his barnacles, seemingly oblivious to what was going on. There was no question of her approaching him; her effort would only meet with some noxious rebuke that made her feel small. That or he would make her some lewd conciliatory offer to satisfy her in place of Lucerne. Only, she didn’t want Vaughan’s comfort. She wanted Lucerne—Lucerne, who was supposed to be her lover.
How she longed to press herself against his lean limbs and feel his taut muscles moving beneath his clothing as he guided her around the dance floor. She wanted to feel the ache in her womb grow and know that Lucerne’s need for her was equally great, and that when they got home he’d fill her exactly as she needed him to.
Vaughan wouldn’t provide that. Vaughan would leave her burning and frustrated. Only with Lucerne did she ever find true relief.
“Three dances,” she remarked when she finally obtained Lucerne’s hand. “Wasn’t that a little excessive. Do you truly like her that much?”
“It costs me nothing to be polite, and I’m making up for Vaughan’s absenteeism.”
Bella cocked her head to better take in his expression, a typically half-fixed smile. “You know, I don’t think it works like that.”
“Does it not? Won’t they remark that while she failed to ensnare Lord Pennerley, she thoroughly bewitched Viscount Marlinscar?”
“Likely,” Bella conceded. “But if you don’t mind, I’d like to bewitch you now. Let’s slip away and spend the night together. Vaughan won’t notice us leave.”
“That would hardly be fair, now would it? I do wish you two wouldn’t make everything into a contest. Can’t you simply accept that I enjoy having you both?”
“I’ll accept it when he does.”
As they turned and swirled to face one another again, Vaughan swooped between them and claimed Lucerne’s hand. Bella came to an abrupt halt, suddenly un-partnered in the centre of the dance floor. Around her, snorts of mirth accompanied the frantic flap of fans. Lucerne and Vaughan were dancing together. Within seconds, several of the other rakehells had taken to the floor similarly paired, only to split up again moments later to claim prettiest ladies.
Bella waved away offers from three gentlemen in order to follow Vaughan and Lucerne as they sneaked away. She found them outside, standing on a lantern-lit terrace overlooking the gardens. Stars twinkled overhead and the mingled scents of chamomile and lavender fragranced the breeze.
“How dare you embarrass me like that?” She marched right up to Vaughan and growled into his face.
Vaughan’s dark eyes reflected