ground, Rue Principale, Hattmatt, Alsace.
2nd December 1945, Hattmatt; the aftermath.
Chapter 112 - THE KILLINGS
1127 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, outside of the Mairie, Rue Principale, Mittelschaeffolsheim, Alsace.
1507 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, outside of Brumath, Alsace.
1600 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, Brumath, Alsace.
1620 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, Laager positions of the 1st Battalion, 412th Mechanised Brigade, one kilometre east of Brumath, Alsace.
1729 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, the Zorn River, east of Brumath, Alsace.
1809 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, east of Brumath, Alsace.
1815 hrs, Wednesday, 4th December 1945, Brumath, Alsace.
Chapter 113 - THE DECISIONS
1606 hrs, Thursday, 5th December 1945, Headquarters of SHAEF, Trianon Place Hotel, Versailles, France.
1607 hrs, Thursday, 5th December 1945, GRU Western Europe Headquarters, the Mühlberg, Germany.
1637 hrs, Thursday, 5th December 1945, Headquarters, 2nd Red Banner Central European Front, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany.
2328 hrs, Thursday, 5th December 1945, the Kremlin, Moscow.
Chapter 114 - THE FRIDAY
0055 hrs, Friday 6th December 1945, Soviet Temporary Detention Camp 130, Baranovichi, USSR.
0947 hrs, Friday 6th December 1945, Headquarters of SHAEF, Trianon Place Hotel, Versailles, France.
0955 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Headquarters, 2nd Red Banner Central European Front, Schloss Rauischholzhausen, Ebsdorfergrund, Germany.
1000 hrs, Friday 6th December 1945, the Ardennes, Europe.
1209 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Dahlem, Germany.
1238 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Dahlem, Germany.
1315 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Dahlem, Germany.
1334 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Dahlem, Germany.
1346 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Dahlem, Germany.
1503 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, US Army Forward medical post, Dahlem, Germany.
1230 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Route 109, the Wurzenpass, Yugoslavia.
1230 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, Trieste, Italy.
1805 hrs, Friday, 6th December 1945, GRU Commander’s office, Western Europe Headquarters, the Mühlberg, Germany.
Chapter 115 - THE TEARS
0507 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, La Petite Pierre, Alsace.
0522 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Forward headquarters, Assault units for Operation Rainbow Black, Pfalzburg, France.
0528 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Mobile Headquarters, 16th US Armored Brigade, Ringendorf, Alsace.
0602 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Mobile Headquarters, Task Force James, 2nd US Infantry Division, south of Rimsdorf, Alsace.
0700 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Mobile Headquarters, Task Force James, 2nd US Infantry Division, Ottwiller, Alsace.
0728 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Mobile Headquarters, 16th US Armored Brigade, Ringendorf, Alsace.
0810 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, five hundred metres north-west of Griesbach le Bastberg, Alsace.
0836 hrs, Sunday 7th December 1945, Route 233, the Greisbach - Neuwiller road, Alsace.
0931 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, in and around, La Petite Pierre, Alsace.
1226 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, La Petite Pierre, Alsace.
1403 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, La Petite Pierre, Alsace.
1509 hrs, Saturday, 7th December 1945, Forward headquarters, Assault units for Operation Rainbow Black, Pfalzburg, France.
Chapter 116 - THE FOLDER
1758 hrs, Sunday, 8th December 1945, Headquarters of ‘Camerone’, Gougenheim, Alsace.
1823 hrs, Sunday, 8th December 1945, Headquarters of ‘Camerone’, Gougenheim, Alsace.
1851 hrs, Sunday, 8th December 1945, Headquarters of ‘Camerone’, Gougenheim, Alsace.
1854 hrs, Sunday, 8th December 1945, Headquarters of ‘Camerone’, Gougenheim, Alsace.
1237 hrs, Monday, 9th December 1945, US Seventeenth Corps Headquarters, Prum, Belgium.
Chapter 117 - THE ILLUSION
0017 hrs, Tuesday, 10th December 1945, the Kattegat.
0401 hrs, Tuesday, 10th December 1945, Ten miles