tank-treads to help them move around. They looked they could carry at least a ton each, and several between two.
I turned in the other direction, and saw the outline of a massive city, not dissimilar to a twenty-first century, but breaktakingly clean , no grey pallor of pollution clinging to the skyline. The sky-scrapers gleamed in the sun, more glass than concrete, or whatever doubled as building material in this century.
It was obvious I was at an air-port, or should I say space-port, and judging by the luggage crowded around the group I was with, we were either boarding or departing from that incredible space craft.
“ Are you all right now, Anita?” asked the attractive red-haired woman standing closest to me.
She had to be addressing me because she was looking right at me, but my name was Ruth not Anita. I even looked like a Ruth, stocky, sturdy, a keg on legs, for want of a better description, but for some reason this pretty young thing thought I was someone called Anita.
It was then that I realized I wasn’t meant to be experiencing the future, merely watching it. Heavens, had my brain only now caught up with me? Well, it certainly felt like I was smack bang in the middle of Professor Jackson’s sci-fi movie right now. I could feel the cool draft from standing in such a wide open expanse. I even smelt the other girls’ perfumes; a variety of floral scents accosting my sensitive nostrils all at once. And the middle-aged man still had one of his hands on my shoulder, since I could feel the pressure of it through my thin sleeve.
I glanced down at his fingers, and he quickly removed them. That was when I noticed that my arm was covered in blue satin, an arm that was slender, not an ounce of extra flesh on it whatsoever. I stretched it out in amazement. Where was the flabby wing I had started to develop? It looked… skinny! I continued to examine my body in complete and utter amazement, discovering that I was clad in blue satin from my shoulders to my shiny slippered feet. I hadn’t been able to cram my plump hooves into a pair of pointy shoes like this in years. Around my waist I wore a gold-linked belt, a waist so slender that I had to actually bend past my ample bust to see it!
Oh, if only this really is my body and not just Professor Jackson’s VR! I thought with sudden longing.
Automatically my hands went to my hair. I found numerous long tresses draping past my shoulders. I took hold of one, bringing it forward to reveal a beautiful lock of shiny blonde hair the color of sunflowers. I couldn’t believe my eyes; I’d never bothered to dye my mousy brown hair in the past. When you were as plain as me, not even a good haircut made much of a difference.
If my body was now as slim as it looked, my hair a gorgeous long mane of blonde waves, then I had to assume I had a face on a par with those of the pretty young women crowded around me.
I couldn’t help myself. I smiled. Thank you Professor Jackson. I think I’m really going to like this trip, for however long it might last. How it had become so realistic I had no idea, but I suspected his tinkering with the machine must have sent everything into overdrive, sending my whole mind catapulting into future. I found myself wondering what had happened to the poor woman I’d taken over. I hoped she was somewhere nice, not trapped in my old body, or even worse – dead!
“ Okay, I think I might have hit my head a bit hard just then,” I said, still not accustomed to the sweet melodic sound of my new voice. “I’m still feeling… a little out of it. What were we doing?”
The girls started talking all at once, but the official-looking man held up a hand, calling for silence. “If you can’t remember then maybe we should get you checked out for concussion. Does your head hurt?”
I turned it from side to side, watching more long golden waves of hair bob about my shoulders. I liked how full and bouncy they felt against my skin. “Er no, I’ve never