contact. “You have a lovely face when you smile. Your eyes twinkle.” With his fingers, he traced the darker cheek, chin and jaw, learning his mate’s face by touch.
“You’re very handsome.”
The big man leaned into the caress. “Thank you. You aren’t bad yourself. What’s your name?”
“Laine. My friends call me Lainey. What’s yours?” Laine came to his knees, both hands now tracing his mate’s face. He couldn’t help it, he was mesmerized. This big, handsome, masculine man was his.
“Dev. Devlin actually, but everyone calls me Dev.”
Laine leaned forward ever so slightly, his breath fanning across Dev’s face, his hands going to Dev’s shoulders. “Dev. I like that. You look like a Devlin.”
“Yeah?” Dev leaned forward too.
They tipped their heads to the same side at the same time, then tilted their heads the other way at the precise moment. They did it once more.
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Laine frowned and huffed out a breath, blowing his bangs off his forehead. “I want to kiss you,” he groused.
Dev smiled and grabbed Laine’s chin, tilting it opposite of Dev’s.
Laine whimpered and closed his eyes. Yes. This was what he wanted.
Dev chuckled.
Laine’s eyes popped open. “Why aren’t you kissing me?”
“Because you were nodding your head.”
Laine felt the heat surge up his cheeks. Geez, one of these days he was going to learn not to do and say everything on his mind. He shook his head at his own idiocy.
Dev wrapped his free hand around the back of Laine’s neck. “Lainey?”
“Be still.” Dev pulled him close and captured his mouth.
Chapter Three
Dev’s cock jerked at the complete abandon at which Laine gave himself over to the kiss.
Laine went all soft and compliant once Dev’s lips settled on his. He whimpered and moaned, leaning into Dev, kissing back but following Dev’s lead. Laine was sensual, such a hedonist.
Dev couldn’t remember ever having a lover lose themselves so completely. He gave into what he’d been wanting to do all night, his hands going right to those little gold hoops in Laine’s nipples, tugging and twisting gently.
Laine came unglued. He moaned against Dev’s lips, arching his back, pushing closer. He practically panted. He’d given up trying to kiss back and just stayed where he was, letting Dev have his way with his mouth. The man was very responsive. It was a complete turn-on.
Laine pulled back, his face flushed, his lips swollen. “If you keep that up, I’ll come.”
Now that, Dev would love to see. “From just me messing with your nipple rings?”
Laine bit his bottom lip and nodded. “I come real easily. Maybe I should just touch you for awhile?
Actually, that might not help, I might come from that too. But I’m dying to touch you.”
Dev groaned. God, what a confession. The man was great for his ego. “I have a better idea. Why don’t you strip. Then I’ll decide what we’re going to do.”
Laine whimpered and the smell of arousal increased.
Yes. He likes to be told what to do. Dev groaned again. He wasn’t all that surprised—Laine was an Page 9
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Omega wolf, after all—but Laine wasn’t the only one turned on. Dev had always liked to call the shots.
He gave Laine’s nipples one last tweak. “You like that? Like me telling you what to do?”
Laine whimpered, nodding enthusiastically.
“Good, then get your clothes off and lay down and put your hands over your head.”
Laine hurried off the bed and started tugging on his shoes, eager to comply.
Dev grinned and began to take his own clothes off. By the time he was finished, Laine was in the middle of the bed, hands over his head, legs spread, watching Dev’s every move. Dev’s eyes nearly shot out of his head. Damn, his mate was a fine specimen.
Laine was pale all over; his body