“What am I going to find inside the cooler?”
Jack asked, already assuming the answer.
A wide smile crossed the man's face. “Jesus
loves all the children… all the children of the world… red and
yellow, black and white… Jesus loves all the fucking children!” He
rolled onto his back screaming wildly.
“Jesus loves them! I sent them home!”
“Watch him.” Jack said.
Candy moved stealthily up to him, and gripped
his collar, pressing her revolver firmly against his temple. “If
what I thinks in that cooler, buddy, it aint god that’s gonna send
your brains flying.” She said.
Jack moved over to the cooler, and with his
rifle’s barrel, tipped the top open. “Jesus!” Jack put his hand
against his mouth like he might vomit.
Inside were four little heads. Each one had a
bloody engraving, from left to right, reading: Red, Yellow, Black,
Candy looked Jack in the eye. Then looked down
at the man. “You sick son a bitch!” She kicked him over, and
pummeled him with harsh rib kicks. He screamed in something that
sounded like a preacher speaking tongues. Then her gun rose, and
screamed a shot through his temple. The blood splattered over the
newspapers, and splashed against the exposed wood.
Jack kicked over the wood stove. “Let it burn.
Let it all burn. Only the ashes and our memories will ever know
this existed.”
It was an eerie feeling sitting in that passenger
seat, peering out, and seeing the smoke rise from the woods behind;
and all around, the empty roads, buildings, and homes mocked Jack's
humanity; and challenged his decency and sanity. This couldn’t be
all that was left of the world he once loved. All that remained of
humanity’s greatness. He refused to believe that.
There wasn’t a lot of zombies roaming, only a
few here and there. Warm wind blew his black hair back through the
lowered window; and Andrew played with the radio.
"You really expect to hear something other than
static?” Jack asked.
“You never know. May be someone is
broadcasting.” He said.
Then the crackle cut off, and in its place a
voice came through the speakers.
“Shit! What’d I tell you?”
A man spoke in a deep and powerful voice. “My
name is Duras—leader of the Godly Knights! If you here this
message, know that God almighty has sent this judgment onto us.
Know that the Godly Knights now patrol in His holy name. We will
bring His justice to these streets. Anyone still breathing must
join us. If you oppose, accept your demise!”
The voice continued over and over, in a
prerecorded anthem.
“Godly Knights? Jesus fucking Christ. I wonder
how many men they have recruited.” Jack said.
Candy spoke up from the back, “More than we
have, that’s for sure.”
The smell of rotting plant life slowly faded
into the distance as the Humvee rolled onto a stretch of road.
Country homes, some with huge man made ponds existed on either side
of the two lane path. Over grown grass in each yard reached towards
the sky as if to beg for the former prestige each home once
boasted. No doubt, only a short time ago, spoiled rich children ran
and jumped into those pond size swimming pools.
As the homes disappeared into a blur of green;
just ahead of them, they saw large wooden polls dug into the earth.
Jody let out an astonished whistle; and Andrew slowed the vehicle
enough so they could all get a good view. Dead bodies dangled from
their necks; and signs hung from the sun cooked bodies.
“Things have gotten a lot worse since last
time.” Jack said.
“We’ve been in the swamps for months now. Maybe
we should've stayed." Andrew said.
Jody was craning his fat neck over Jack's seat
to get a better view. His hot breath smelled like swamp water and
rotten beef.
“We have toothpaste back at camp, you know?”
Jack said.
He paid his comment zero attention. “Maybe we
should have stayed. Taken our chances with eating gator meat.” Jody
said, speaking a mouth full of fumes into the side if
Commando Cowboys Find Their Desire