face- down on her bed. What the hell was that! His ex-wife had her neck completely rotated, obviously shattered, counterclockwise to the rest of the body. Her eyes injected with blood seemed to overwhelm the orbits of her eyes which loosely kept them attached to the face. Paul fell on his knees on the floor and broke into tears like a little baby, disconsolate.
- I´m sorry... I understand that she´s your ex-wife – the sheriff whispered, posing one of his hands in Paul´s right shoulder.
He just nodded between sobs. He thought he would faint when suddenly an image startled him: between his knees and the leg of the bed rested Penny´s doll, that wicked doll. She was lying on her side, with her perfect face of fine porcelain, and she was sending him a stare of satisfaction... Yes, she was looking at him, and she was pleased to see the pain that the crime she had committed was causing him!
A t last he had spotted his dreamt place. Maybe he could leave behind, now and forever, all his problems, those damn problems that had been pushing him since a few years ago. The house has situated at the top of a small hill, just in the outskirts of the insignificant town. It was a wonderful construction of Victorian style, lovely and far away from the bustle. Exactly what he needed to recover his senses and to retake his profession: architecture.
- It is obvious that it has long been abandoned, but it´s not in bad conditions – the state agent told him, cheerful. He was a stout, friendly and talkative man.
- Okay ... - he muttered, so as to say something.
- Alright then: I´ll lower your rent to 200 dollars, I´ll take care of the cleaning crew and business finished – the agent replied, shaking his hand.
- It´s an offer you cannot refuse.
The signed the rental contracts on the table of the wide kitchen. The agent was ecstatic because he had spent more than a year trying to fix that house on someone. Its location hadn´t helped at all, but that foreigner seemed to have found exactly what he was looking for. The price of course was a bargain, but it was worth it instead of having it empty.
- This is a real opportunity.
- It´s not haunted. Is it?
The agent shook his head, forcing a smile. That strange question didn´t seem a joke, but he preferred to place it as if it was. He was a peculiar guy, but... what the hell, he had just given him six months cash in advance!
The architect came back with his stuff a couple of days later. The agent had kept his promise and the house was spotless. Yes, this time things were going to be fine.
Soon, he was trying to make some acquaintances in the zone to get some contracts. There weren´t many architects around there, so even though there weren´t many jobs, there wasn´t any competence either. Money wasn´t a big problem for him, up to now, but boredom was.
Luckily, he soon made good friends with a somehow grumpy guy, but very cult, who used to take his dog for a walk in the hill where his house was situated. His name was Tyler; buy everybody in town called him Lonely , because he was always wandering alone from one side to the other. In old times, he had written a book which brought him fame and benefits, but the early success shuttered his career, his inspiration and his dreams. He had retired to live off the rents in that place, forgotten from god´s hand.
That afternoon, he saw him coming with his dog, Daddy , a nervous Beagle who was always sniffing around his house and who didn´t stop barking at him no sooner he was at less than two meters away from chucho .
- He doesn´t like you! - exclaimed Lonely with a big smile, as he was approaching to shake his hand.
- No, that´s true. I think I have never sympathized with dogs; but my thing with Daddy is already a divorce, a real one – replied him, resigned.
- Don´t worry, architect . He´ll end up liking you.
They used to spend time chatting for a while. On some occasions, Tyler used