appealed to a sixteen-year-old, streetwise computer whiz of above-average intelligence, a ten-year-old hyperactive boy of average intelligence, and a quiet ten-year-old girl with an IQ that exceeded even Zak’s, was a challenge. After quite a bit of negotiation the group decided on Dumb and Dumber . Go figure; even Alex was cracking up.
“This is nice,” I whispered to Zak, who was as entranced with the movie as the kids.
Zak’s dog, Bella, and my dog, Charlie, were sitting on the floor next to Alex, Scooter, and Pi, who were all lounging on bean bag chairs in front of the big-screen television. My cats, Marlow and Spade, even seemed to be watching the movie from the empty love seat next to where Zak and I were sitting.
Zak turned and looked at me. “Yeah.” He smiled. “It really is. I always wondered what it would be like to be from a big family.”
“Me too.”
Both Zak and I had been only children raised primarily by single parents.
“I wasn’t sure how Pi was going to fit in with the other two, but he seems to really enjoy hanging out with Alex and Scooter,” I commented. “At least to a point. I’m sure he’s anxious to make friends his own age, but he’s turning out to be a pretty awesome big brother.”
Zak shrugged. “I’m not surprised. Pi has been in foster care since his mom passed away. I think he missed having a family as much as I imagine anyone in that situation would miss a nurturing environment.”
“Did you talk to him about the whole hacking thing?” I asked.
Zak had first met Pi when he’d hacked into the computer system of one of Zak’s clients. Zak seemed to think he merely did it to attract his attention, but I wasn’t so sure. A person doesn’t learn to hack into a computer system with state-of-the-art technology unless he’d first practiced by hacking into other systems. If you asked me, it was something that was in Pi’s blood.
“I did. He understands the conditions I’ve attached to my offer to eventually make him a partner in Zimmerman Software. He knows he must finish his education and stay out of trouble. The deal I’m offering him is worth millions of dollars. In my opinion that should motivate him to keep his end of the bargain.”
“Did money motivate you when you were sixteen?” I wondered.
Zak frowned. “Actually, no. I mean, I’m sure I realized that having a lot of money would be nice, but when I was sixteen it really was about pushing the limits and trying to see what I could both do and get away with.”
I raised one eyebrow.
“Don’t worry. I’ll keep an eye on the boy.”
Zak returned his attention to the screen and I returned my attention to the dark-haired boy I’d only met a few days earlier. I hoped Zak was right about him. He seemed happy to be here, but I still felt hesitant to relax completely. Although he’d dropped out of school prior to Zak taking him under his wing, he struck me as a well-rounded individual. Besides being a genius on the computer, he seemed to enjoy a wide range of literature and played the guitar better than anyone I had ever met. He somehow managed to pull off the perfect balance of nerdy genius and rock-and-roll heartthrob. I had a feeling the female population of Ashton Falls was going to be all over the dark-haired, dark-eyed motocross rider.
As Zak continued to enjoy the movie I glanced at Scooter, who was burping so loud as to drown out the sound of the dialogue. We really would need to teach the child some manners. Scooter was hyperactive by nature and I really could see why Principal Bower had been hesitant to give him a second chance. If it hadn’t been for Zak and his positive influence on his life, I don’t know what would have happened to the lost little boy.
When Zak first told me the blond-haired, green-eyed nine-year-old was going to be staying with him that first summer I’d thought he was nuts. But the boy had grown on me. When Zak had suggested that Scooter come to live with us I