I turn around, there he is. Miles Freaking Farriston. Miles 'Bad Enough I Have To Sit With You' Farriston. In my studio. Then he goes all, 'Are you even allowed to be in this competition?' on me. Doing his usual sourpuss and pissed off routine. I told him not to worry about it, that I'd drop out. And then I left." I shrug, trying not to look as effected as I felt. Miles could make me feel like the gum under his shoe like no one else could.
"Are you serious? Wow. His dickness has risen to an all time high. I'm sorry, Chlo." She places her hand on top of mine from across the table, giving me our classic finger-squeeze-for-support move. "But you shouldn't have to drop out! You have so been looking forward to it. Can't you get him to switch with someone?"
Like she hadn't thought of that. "I don't even want to get into it. Not if it means the wrath of Hurricane Miles. No, I'd rather just quietly go away, not incite his violence any further."
"You make him sound like a mobster, Chlo. I know he's a little rough around the edges right now, but he's an okay guy."
"You weren't up on that Ferris Wheel with him." I didn't think I'd ever get over that, no matter how much coaxing Minka and Owen did.
Minka picks a piece of chicken out of my salad. I push it across the table to her, all but done with it. God, her and Kels could eat anything they wanted. Someday, I always told myself.
"So what're you going to tell the sisters?" She spears an apple, chewing it as her brown eyes stare right into me. She's freakishly good at using those big eyes to decipher me.
"I don't know...maybe I don't need to tell them just yet." I hadn't even thought about that. They were not going to be happy. The only reason I'd been voted in was because they thought I had a legitimate shot at bringing home the Mount Olympus trophy.
"They're going to be pissed at you..." Minka sings this in a nanny-nanny-poo-poo kind of way. I told you about those big eyes, heat-seeking missiles right to my feelings.
"I know. But there really isn't anything I can do."
" T here really isn't anything I can do, Mr. Farriston."
I sit there, dumbfounded, as Oliver McKinney, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life at Grover, doesn't help me whatsoever. He's always helped me! Last year, when Kappa Sig had gotten into some hot water with a fellow fraternity after essentially filling their sprinklers with red hair dye, Olly had come to our rescue after I'd begged. Mostly, I think he’s threatened by the fact that my father was one of the biggest donors to Grover, in the Greek Life department and in general.
But now? He wasn't helping me for shit. "Come on Olly, just give me a new partner! It'll take two minutes for you to do, and believe me, all parties will be satisfied." I pictured Princess Chloe's face as she'd run from the studio room.
"No can do, Mr. Farriston, I am deeply sorry. You'll just have to work it out with Miss Trabucco."
Fuck. I'd come to his office, explained the situation, that Chloe and I would not work out as dance partners. I'd spared him the gory details.
I thought he'd be able to fix it, switch us, and all would be forgotten. But apparently, that wasn't happening.
Olly said the other five teams had already done their first week of practice with each other, and were comfortable and moving along in their preparation for night one of dancing, which happened one week from now. Plus, they'd already photoshopped the posters featuring each couple, and the university wouldn't spend extra money to re-do it.
I couldn't drop out, I'd get kicked out of the frat, and my life would subsequently unravel from there. There was only one thing left to do.
I had to persuade the princess to dance with me.
Walking out of Olly's office, I dodge a bunch of giggling sorority sister's beelining it straight for me in the hallway. I swoop around a corner, narrowly avoiding whatever they'd wanted to talk about. What the hell was with everyone? So cheery. I couldn't crack
Colin F. Barnes, Darren Wearmouth