the water onto the bank."
Richard rubbed his chin. "Isn't that on John Martin's property?"
Jacob shrugged his shoulders. "Maybe, but nobody owns the river. I can fish wherever I want."
Nodding, Richard turned his head towards where Anna was still standing with her family, her eyes narrowed as if directing arrows at his back. He gave her a wink before turning back to face the brash young man. "I suppose he wouldn't mind… if fish were all you were taking."
For the first time, Jacob appeared to be a bit confused. "What are you talking about? I didn't take nothin' but those trout."
Reaching into his shirt pocket, Richard pulled out an object and rubbed it between his fingers. White and brown feathers swirled with the motion.
"Hey, where'd you get that?" Jacob demanded, reaching for the fly. "That's one of mine!"
"Are you sure?" Richard asked, the twirling fly ensuring that yet more attention was drawn from the crowd.
"Hell yes, I'm sure!"
Richard allowed Jacob to take the fly before advancing towards him, the younger man stepping back at the unexpected movement. "Why don't you tell me where you think I found it?" he said.
Darrell and Robert had moved even further away and the looks on their faces made it clear that they hoped Jacob would keep his mouth shut. However, Jacob was obviously not a man who thought things through very well.
"What does it matter? It's mine, and that's all there is to it."
Richard took another step forward, reaching out to gather a good-sized wad of Jacob's shirt, pulling him closer, lifting him until the toes of Jacob's boots were barely able to scrabble at the ground. "It matters because I found it snagged in a dress that I'm damned sure doesn't belong to you. Care to explain how it got there, and why the dress was stuffed under some rocks, halfway between the Martins' place and yours?"
When no answer seemed forthcoming, Jacob's eyes darting everywhere but to the man holding him, Richard bent a bit closer but did not lower his voice. A muscle was twitching along his jawline. "It was a dress you took off a branch in that copse of trees," he went on. "You know, the ones on Martin's property? A dress you damn well knew belonged to Miss Martin. A dress you stole, forcing Miss Martin to walk home…" he paused, looking past Jacob to Cassidy, "in her chemise and drawers—not naked , as your sister is telling anyone who is stupid enough to listen. Not only that, but Miss Martin had to walk home barefoot, because you stole her shoes as well."
Silence hung over them and spread out until not a single sound could be heard anywhere among the crowd. Everyone's attention was on the two men.
"It was just a prank," Jacob finally stuttered.
Richard released him suddenly and the young man stumbled backwards. Richard took a step towards him, speaking in a deadly low tone. "A prank that has caused a great deal of harm. What kind of lowdown scum are you? What sort of man trespasses on another man's property? What sort of man spies on an innocent young woman doing nothing more than taking a swim on a hot day—on her Pa's land? And, what sort of man steals her clothes? Tell me, did you and your so-called buddies enjoy watching Miss Martin? Did you get a thrill seeing her panic? Did you even think for one damned minute that she could seriously injure herself walking barefoot by the river? Did you give one thought to the fact that snakes are coming out of hibernation? It wasn't a fucking prank; it was a deliberate act of malice by a foolish boy , and you ought to be horsewhipped!"
"I swear, I didn't touch her!"
Richard's voice was like steel. "That's the only thing that is going to save your hide. If you had so much as laid a finger on her, I promise I would not be so polite and calm. I'd give you the thrashing of your pathetic life before I had the sheriff throw your arse in jail and toss away the fucking key." Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. "God, have you no sense of shame?"
A large man pushed