howls of wind seemed to have come from nowhere, as if stuck circling the property like trapped souls of the dead.
“Yes, come in,” uttered the voice.
Immediately after the words were spoken the gates creaked open and they passed through.
The wheels scraped against gravel, wafting sandy mists into the air, making the castle appear even more malevolent. The coffee coloured hazes were like ghosts emerging from musty graves, awaking from their slumber, breaking free from sandy graves. Fortunately the ground appeared to even out. They no longer ascended a hill, but were slowly lowered to a flat surface. Which is when the castle came into full view.
They were surrounded by three parts of the enormous construction. A multi-floored tower at the front held two stone sculptures of lions with a pointed roof. Laura was in awe, as was Bruce. Two narrow cylinder towers were attached to either side, each with their own roof, resembling a conical witches' hat. “This is....” Bruce fought for words or an expression to justify his view. On each side of the cluster of towers were two brick square blocks, each three floors, bowing down modestly to the tower of six levels between them. Not five, as it would seem. “This is for a family of three people?” Bruce felt it was way too much for a family of three. Heck, it was too big for an army. On the first floor were stone steps leading down from a double wooden door. They declined onto the gravelled ground and allowed direct ascension to the first storey.
Laura was being intimidated by bricks, archways, tall stained windows, and acute roof peaks. She was completely overwhelmed.
“Well, I am sure you will have plenty to do and explore here for the night. You brought a change of clothes didn't you? And toiletries?” Bruce asked, the faint linger of a smile on his face. The atmosphere deemed a full smile in appropriate, until Laura's temper vanished.
“Yes dad,” Laura wanted so badly to ask him to collect her later that evening. For some strange reason she was nervous and slightly homesick, but too fuelled with indignation to speak.
“Okay, well I guess you better go make your entrance and meet the wealthy owners. Even I didn't realise they lived in this, it could be a friggin' landmark it's so big!” Bruce laughed, wishing more than anything that his daughter would join in. He clearly wanted Laura to laugh, or show forgiveness, but Laura was a stroppy teenage girl maintaining a stern look, what did he expect?
“Yeah,” Laura muttered half-heartedly as she opened the car door, not wanting to say a word but manners getting the better of her. She stepped out swinging a heavy bag pack onto her shoulders.
“Laura wait, I am sorry if you're upset with me, this isn't my fault,” he whined.
“Are you saying it's mum's fault? Or my fault?” Laura whipped round to face him and raised her voice an octave, glaring into his eyes. Fury emanated from Laura: that comment had rattled her.
“No, it's nobody's fault, things sometimes workout this way, that's all,” Bruce spoke gently and raised his hands attempting to soothe her clearly aggravated temperament, surrendering to the teen's temper.
“Whatever,” Laura grumbled, slamming the door with a clout.
But Bruce continued to call, begging her to stop. But Laura couldn't turn around. She didn't want him to see her tears.
As she neared the house, throat burning from stifled weeping, Laura felt minuscule. Between three large architectures, each of which looked heavy and domineering. She was surrounded by a gigantic spider constructed from stone, brick and cement. Upon reaching the top of the stairs she peered over the bannister and noticed a glow coming from a ground floor window. But she could not see any objects through the pane, just the orange filter. Maybe it was a furnace? Laura was now beneath a huge archway that framed the threshold of the door, partially protected from the screaming wind. She paused for