from Nikkolai poured into him searing away the chill in his soul.
“I always thought vampires were cold,” Luc said, the words escaping his mouth as he soaked in the heat from the body pressed against his own.
Nikko’s forehead crinkled in thought. “Why?”
Luc shrugged or tried to since he couldn’t wiggle that much. “In books and movies vampires are always cool. You feel hot to me.”
The vampire laughed, a bit of fang peaking through his lips. “Honey, we feed on warm blood why in the hell would we be cold?” Nikko shook his head at his nonsense and kissed him. Luc could almost taste the vampire’s smile.
“Mine,” Nikkolai growled when he let Luc up for air.
Oooh, possessive.
Luc’s toes, barely touching the floor, curled with pleasure as he gave himself up to the other man’s will. He loved strong and commanding in his lovers because outside of the bedroom, life was so much damn work.
He leaned into the next kiss and let Nikko overwhelm him. The man’s body was firm and hard against his. Rubbing against Luc’s erection, the vampire gave him just the right amount of friction to send sparks throughout his body and shivers up his spine.
They weren’t going to make it to the bed was Luc’s thought right before he was thrown through the air, a hungry growl rising from Nikko’s throat. He landed on a soft surface with a gentle bounce barely registering the luxurious comfort before two large hands descended and started ripping off his clothing. The sound of threads snapping told him he might not have all his buttons any more, but Luc couldn’t find the will to care.
Once they were both naked, Nikkolai stood at the bottom of the bed and stared, his eyes glowing in the dim light.
“Come here, Nikko.” Luc held out his hand to encourage the other man closer.
And was devoured.
Nikko’s huge muscled body slid beside him, shadowing Luc with his tall form. Before he could catch his breath, one calloused hand grabbed his prick, pumping it up and down without warning. The contrast between the rough grip and Luc’s delicate skin was intense. Too intense.
Unable to do anything more than take the pleasure forced upon him, Luc bucked under Nikko’s hands. Hands that gripped, pumped, caressed and drove him out of his ever-loving mind.
Exactly what he needed.
Without warning Luc’s body exploded. Cum burst from him like a geyser, draining him of both fluids and energy. Nikko’s motions slowed, the kisses turning more affectionate than passionate.
The vampire’s soft chuckle in the dark was low and intimate. “Will you get it up again?”
“You’re so fucking beautiful. May I have you?” The master vampire’s voice was oddly hesitant considering the take-charge attitude he’d had up to that point.
“I’m all yours,” Luc reassured him, placing a soft kiss on the other man’s exposed throat.
“All mine.” Nikko’s teeth flashed white and pointy in the dark. “I like that.”
Luc felt a sliver of unease try to break through his foggy thoughts.
What did he just agree to?
Then those large, hot hands were on his body giving him sweet, demanding touches while warm, soft lips melted his brain. Luc forgot the question, forgot even his own name.
There was a soft snick then a finger, oiled and slick, pushed into him. A groan tore from his throat as he sank upon that digit longing for another. “More.”
“No. Not yet. You’re too tight. I won’t hurt you.”
Luc whimpered and in the end he begged in soft, broken tones for more. More touching, more fingers, more something. “Please Nikko, please.”
Two fingers.
The slow molten pleasure felt as if it were dissolving his bones, turning him into a pliable, liquidy mess. He moaned and whimpered, making encouraging noises and shifting his body to urge the vampire on, anything to get this man to hurry up. The intense need was torturing him and he’d been tortured by the best. Eventually, after minutes that