funeral when Dr. Garrison introduced himself. The commodore had been grieved but robust, then.” Daniel jingled a couple coins in his pocket and stared pensively at his shoes.
The shame of Papa’s court martial always lingered about his countenance, adding to his depressed state, but Daniel was right. He hadn’t been ill back then, only sad. He and Dr. Garrison became friends and spent many hours together, engaging in various activities to distract Papa from his grief, but still it consumed him. He ate less and lost weight. He slept more and became sickly.
During the journey to America, Dr. Garrison suggested Papa regularly take a medication to help him regain his appetite and good health. A shudder skittered across her shoulders. She met Daniel’s gaze. “I’ve been wondering if he might be responsible for Papa’s sickness. Perhaps he recommended the wrong medicine, or made the wrong diagnosis.”
Daniel was silent a moment. “It’s possible he made a mistake.”
“Either way, I won’t marry him. I plan to wed Captain Hart instead,” she said. “I plan to marry him and sail with him aboard the Desire .”
A startled look flashed across the valet’s face, but he recovered quickly. “Is that something which appeals to you?”
Slaney smiled and hummed to herself. It truly was impossible to hide anything from her.
“Very much.” Keelan plucked at a loose string on her cuff. “In light of recent events, I wonder if his offer will stand,” she murmured. What if it didn’t? What if he wouldn’t want to marry someone’s bastard?
Daniel became thoughtful. “Mr. Hart doesn’t seem to be the type of man to let anything like this dictate his actions. If he changes his mind, we’ll simply book passage on the next passenger ship heading north, if you wish to do so.”
Slaney harrumphed. “Well, a choice like that would brand him a fool, I says.”
Keelan swallowed. Daniel made it seem like the decision had no real significance, but it wouldn’t be so easy for her.
Sailing away with Landon had been the only thing keeping her own shadow of grief from blanketing her in darkness over the past two days. Also during that time, a niggling fear had been swirling in the back of her mind as well. Given her current requirements, would Landon assist her? Would he want any part of her quest to find her true father?
“I’m glad you’ll both be with me. It gives me comfort knowing I’ll not have to make the journey on my own should things change between me and Captain Hart.”
“We wouldn’t ever leave ye at a time like this, Mistress. We’ll help ye find yer Da,” Slaney squeezed her arm.
“First, we must gather our things and take them to Captain Hart’s ship. The blue flag means he’s ready to leave port.” With fresh eyes, she took in the ocean in the distance and the infinite blue of the South Carolina sky. “We don’t have much time to pack our trunks, hire a livery and leave before Uncle Jared and Aunt Sarah return home from the luncheon.” Uncle Jared would try and stop them. He wanted her to marry and stay in Charleston. He certainly wouldn’t approve of her eloping with Landon Hart.
Daniel nodded his agreement. “I’ll arrange for transportation to the Desire while you and Slaney have the trunks brought down.”
“It shouldna’ take long,” Slaney said. “I haven’t unpacked much yet, seein’ how we just got to town yesterday.”
“Good.” Keelan had a little more confidence now. A shiver of excitement shot through her chest. She tugged the red ribbon holding the signet ring around her neck. Papa told her it belonged to her real father.
Four lions, a knight’s helm, shafts of wheat. What did it mean?
Who was the man who sired her?
What was her real surname, if not Grey?
Who was she?
The man who murdered his family and fiancé was finally dead.
Yet, Dr. Everett Garrison, after more than a week, still waited for the burden of grief to