corner of her eye – but she wasn’t quite through yet.
‘Darn it!’ she hastily brushed the tear away with the edge of her veil, ‘why do these things always happen to me? I thought he really loved me!’
‘Hey, I’m sure everything will be okay…’ Cooper started to console – until he looked behind her, his expression darkening. Reaching out, he yanked her into his arms, his mouth lowering to swiftly cover hers as he put his hastily thought up plan into motion.
I just hope she goes along with it !
Afton was completely flummoxed by the unexpected, devastating kiss. Her mouth parted beneath his in shock, practically swooning from the sensation of rough black stubble rasping over her delicate skin.
Cooper lifted his head after several long, hot , fevered moments, whispering in her ear, ‘my turn now!’
‘ Cooper !’
A female voice uttered the name from behind in a tone of great indignation. He sighed, releasing Afton who wobbled a moment on shaky knees beneath her gown before regaining her balance.
‘Hello, Katherine.’
‘Hello?’ the woman repeated outraged. ‘Is that all you have to say?’
Afton spun around to view a statuesque, impeccably groomed brunette, whose hand clutched several pink-and-green striped shopping bags from one of the most exclusive boutiques in Seattle located nearby.
‘I didn’t even know you were back in town, Cooper, you never called, and now I find you with this…this… her! ’ she sputtered her disdain, ‘and why on earth is she wearing that hideous wedding gown?’
Hideous? Afton looked down at the gown with its masses of taffeta ruffles crammed into one swirling satin, lace and beaded-pearl creation. Okay, she conceded, so it hadn’t been her first choice either – but it was a designer original direct from Paris, France according to the bridal shop owner, and she’d thought it had held distinct possibilities.
‘It’s Afton,’ she offered helpfully causing the woman’s ice-pick of a stare to stab through her once again.
‘What?’ she spat.
‘My name,’ Afton repeated with a cheerful smile, ‘it’s Afton Lanford – like the neighborhood Afton Heights. It was going to be Melissa, but my mother saw a street sign with Afton on it as my father drove her to the hospital and decided then and there to change it. My dad always said he was so grateful he didn’t take the shortcut past the pig farm that day!’
She felt more than saw Cooper’s suppressed laughter, his big body heaving beside her as she told the charming anecdote that usually drew a smile from whomever she shared it with.
Not today .
‘I don’t care who or what you are,’ Katherine looked down an aristocratic sharp nose Afton thought she recognized from the face of a popular actress, ‘what I’d like to know is just why you’re kissing my boyfriend?’
‘Katherine, I am not your boyfriend!’ The rumble of Cooper’s deep voice was ominous, hinting at a brewing eruption. ‘Three dates does not constitute a relationship.’
Doe-brown eyes grew so round and wide, even Afton felt herself weakening.
‘But Cooper, we have so much in common…’ the scorned woman reached a beseeching hand for his sleeve.
‘The only thing we share is a zip code.’ The stern face showed just the tiniest flicker of regret when Katherine recoiled from his dismissive words, while Afton looked away, feeling deeply for the other woman having just experienced the same rejection herself.
‘I’ll leave you two to talk,’ was her soft murmur trying to extricate herself from the scene. Her plan was foiled when Cooper grabbed her satin-covered waist in a tight grip, keeping her trapped near his side.
‘No – you stay! You might as well know, Katherine that I’m with Afton now – we’re…er… getting married!’
He squeezed Afton hard causing her to wince when she tried to pull away in protest at his shocking words. ‘I was just helping her pick out her gown – which I happen to think