replied while moving to Lyn’s feet to check for any sign of the child.
“Does it come?” Lyn asked with effort.
“Soon, dear. Try to relax, it will be soon.”
The pain seemed to pass as Lyn’s face became visibly relieved and she released her grip on KesQen’s hand. “What Tane do you think they will become?” Kes asked with excitement. She was the youngest of the women, just passing her seventeenth year. This was her first birthing and the thrill, mixed with the horror, was reflected vividly on her pale face. Her own parents had been killed just two moons past while searching for berries at the foot of the mountains west of the village. A raiding party of rock trolls took them by surprise and KesQen was the only one able to escape and alert the village. When they found her parents, their bodies had been mangled so badly that it was feared the SaiEeDu, the Chufa death rite, could not be properly performed. The village still grieved at such a loss to their community but hit especially hard, and understandably so, was young Kes who was now left without a family. That was the main reason she was a part of the birthing now. GilSagn and her husband had taken the grief stricken girl in and adopted her as their own. GilSagn and JenGua were two of the four women in charge of bringing new life into the village so Kes was to learn the skills herself and follow in her adopted mother’s footsteps. It was also hoped that the miracle of a new life would help her forget the tragic death of her parents. “I hope one of them is QenChe,” she said excitedly.
“Could that possibly be because it also is the Tane that you were born to receive?” Lyn asked with a smile.
Kes grinned and shyly replied, “Maybe.”
“Yes, but if it is a male child, and you should find him appealing come his adulthood, what then? You know you cannot choose one within your own Tane. You would be disappointed then of your wish,” Jen laughed.
Kes’ happy face turned suddenly to one of disappointment. “I had not thought of that.” They all laughed but were cut short when Lyn suddenly pitched forward as she was taken by another pain. Jen lifted the blanket and gave a shout, “I can see the head. Let’s get her up.” With the help of the other two, they lifted Lyn into a squatting position. “Now, Lyn,” Jen encouraged, “when the next pain comes, push down.”
Grabbing the hands of her supporters, Lyn only waited short moments before she gave a grunt and then pushed as hard as she was able.
“Good, good,” Jen encouraged, “it’s coming now.” Gil wiped Lyn’s sweaty forehead as Kes stared open mouthed in amazement. This process continued for quite some time before Jen finally announced, “The head is out.” Jen cradled the baby’s head while turning it to help the shoulders through. Lyn was commanded to push and once the shoulders were free the rest of the body slid out easily. “It’s a boy!” Jen shouted. Lyn smiled but then collapsed from exhaustion as Kes and Gil eased her back down to the padded mat. Kes also sat with mouth still agape and eyes wide in wonder while Gil and Jen went to work cleaning off the baby and tying the cord.
“Kes,” Gil called out, “put some more fuel on the fire. We don’t want this child to become chilled.” Kes stared blankly at her for a brief moment as if not hearing what was said. Then, snapping back with a start, she got up and went to the fire. The fire blazed up with the addition of more dead wood giving the hut an instant increase in light and warmth.
“By the Mother’s blood,” Gil suddenly cried out. “What is that?!” All eyes turned to her as she pointed at the