
Golden Read Free Page B

Book: Golden Read Free
Author: Joely Sue Burkhart
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Emperor’s consort, so the chief eunuch had not thought to prepare me despite the call to the imperial bedchambers. I had taken it upon myself to bathe and dress as though the Emperor might call me to his bed each and every time he’d called me, even if we only talked for hours.
    His fingers convulsed on my neck, but he made no move to take me. Afraid he would change his mind once more and dismiss me forever, I whispered, “This consort willingly and eagerly accepts any pain for your sake. I beg you, please, allow me to prove that I can bear your worst, Your Majesty.”
    His breathing rasped raw like ripping silk. He whirled me around and pushed me toward the table. Sweeping his hand across the surface, he threw dishes to the floor with a clatter.
    When he fisted a hand in my hair, I made no resistance as he shoved me face down upon the splattered table. “Do not move.”
    Eyes clenched shut, I felt him release me, stand in a rustle of silks and move about the room. An attendant drawn by the noise inquired if His Majesty needed anything, and he retorted, “Do not disturb me again!”
    Steel hacked at soft wood from the direction of the bamboo planted in the fountain. My skin tightened with anticipation. A cane would deliver the hardest beating of all, but this fresh stalk would be green and supple.
    “Open your eyes,” he growled out. “Show me the accursed gold that tempts me beyond reason.”
    I did as he ordered. His face looked hard, a grim mask of cold marble. As I watched, he twirled his wrists to wind the long, full sleeves of his outer robe around his forearms so the cloth would not impede his blows. The bamboo stem he held was only three feet long and mostly green. He would not be able to put much weight behind the blows, but they would cut and burn.
    I stretched my clasped hands out on the table and braced my face upon my upper arm, determined to keep my eyes open and my mouth clamped firmly shut.
    He trailed his fingers down my spine, and I couldn’t help but shiver with anticipation. My nipples were so hard they ached against the cold wood, and if he tested the wetness between my thighs he would not be disappointed.
    “Did my son give you great pleasure?”
    I hesitated, unwilling to dishonor the son he’d chosen to name his heir. The first blow made me suck in a loud breath. Fire exploded across my shoulders, but I did not cry out.
    “I shall have only the truth, Jin.”
    “No, Your Majesty.” My voice trembled, not with pain, but from fear of displeasing him. “I failed to find pleasure in the Crown Prince’s bed.”
    “None whatsoever?” He smoothed his palm across the welt on my back, and I couldn’t help the small moan that escaped. Such bliss to feel his touch soothe away the pain. That powerful hand slid over my buttock and dipped between my thighs. He growled deep in his throat, like a starving man offered a feast. “I find that difficult to believe. How many times has he requested you?”
    “The first week, twice.” Another blow stole my breath. I waited a few seconds to ensure my voice remained even before continuing. “The second week, once. Then not again, Your Majesty.”
    If the Emperor fulfilled my greatest dreams, I silently vowed, I would never again go to his son’s bed. There were countless vile medicines I could take that would not damage a child yet make me ill enough to faint or vomit.
    He struck me again and the flexible tip managed to wrap around my back and cut into the underside of my breast. My breath hissed out. That mark might have broken the skin.
    “You disappoint me, Jin.”
    Tears filled my eyes and I arched my back to offer more of my body for his blows. “Please correct this consort, Your Majesty!”
    “I desire your screams.” He whispered but the violent intent sharpened his voice like a naked steel blade. “I desire you to plead for me to stop. But I shall not stop, not even when you beg and weep. I’m going to beat you bloody, until your throat is

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