I’ll go in and rob everyone blind and go to Argentina cause nobody ever thought of this before.”
Aaronow: . . . that’s right . . .
Moss: Eh?
Aaronow: No. That’s absolutely right.
Moss: And so they kill the goose. I, I, I’ll . . . and a fuckin’ man, worked all his life has got to . . .
Aaronow: . . . that’s right . . .
Moss: . . . cower in his boots . . .
Aaronow (simultaneously with “boots”): Shoes, boots, yes . . .
Moss: For some fuckin’ “Sell ten thousand and you win the steak knives . . . ”
Aaronow: For some sales pro . . .
Moss: . . . sales promotion, “You lose, then we fire your . . .” No. It’s medieval . . . it’s wrong. “Or we’re going to fire your ass.” It’s wrong.
Aaronow: Yes.
Moss: Yes, it is. And you know who’s responsible?
Aaronow: Who?
Moss: You know who it is. It’s Mitch. And Murray. ‘Cause it doesn’t have to be this way.
Aaronow: No.
Moss: Look at Jerry Graff. He’s clean, he’s doing business for himself, he’s got his, that list of his with the nurses . . . see? You see? That’s thinking. Why take ten percent? A ten percent comm . . . why are we giving the rest away? What are we giving ninety per . . . for nothing. For some jerk sit in the office tell you “Get out there and close.” “Go win the Cadillac.” Graff. He goes out and buys. He pays top dollar for the . . . you see?
Aaronow: Yes.
Moss: That’s thinking. Now, he’s got the leads, he goes in business for himself . He’s . . . that’s what I . . . that’s thinking ! ‘’Who? Who’s got a steady job, a couple bucks nobody’s touched, who?”
Aaronow: Nurses.
Moss: So Graff buys a fucking list of nurses, one grand—if he paid two I’ll eat my hat—four, five thousand nurses, and he’s going wild . . .
Aaronow: He is?
Moss: He’s doing very well.
Aaronow: I heard that they were running cold.
Moss: The nurses?
Aaronow: Yes.
Moss: You hear a lot of things . . . . He’s doing very well. He’s doing very well.
Aaronow: With River Oaks?
Moss: River Oaks, Brook Farms. All of that shit. Somebody told me, you know what he’s clearing himself ? Fourteen, fifteen grand a week.
Aaronow: Himself?
Moss: That’s what I’m saying. Why? The leads. He’s got the good leads . . . what are we, we’re sitting in the shit here. Why? We have to go to them to get them. Huh. Ninety percent our sale, we’re paying to the office for the leads.
Aaronow: The leads, the overhead, the telephones, there’s lots of things.
Moss: What do you need? A telephone, some broad to say “Good morning,” nothing . . . nothing . . .
Aaronow: No, it’s not that simple, Dave . . .
Moss: Yes. It is. It is simple, and you know what the hard part is?
Aaronow: What?
Moss: Starting up.
Aaronow: What hard part?
Moss: Of doing the thing. The dif . . . the difference. Between me and Jerry Graff. Going to business for yourself. The hard part is . . . you know what it is?
Aaronow: What?
Moss: Just the act.
Aaronow: What act?
Moss: To say “I’m going on my own.” ‘Cause what you do, George, let me tell you what you do: you find yourself in thrall to someone else. And we enslave ourselves. To please. To win some fucking toaster . . . to . . . to . . . and the guy who got there first made up those . . .
Aaronow: That’s right . . .
Moss: He made up those rules, and we’re working for him.
Aaronow: That’s the truth . . .
Moss: That’s the God’s truth. And it gets me depressed. I swear that it does. At MY AGE. To see a goddamn: “Somebody wins the Cadillac this month. P.S. Two guys get fucked.”
Aaronow: Huh.
Moss: You don’t ax your sales force.
Aaronow: No.
Moss: You . . .
Aaronow: You . . .
Moss: You build it!
Aaronow: That’s what I . . .
Moss: You fucking build it! Men come . . .
Aaronow: Men come work for you . . .
Moss: . . . you’re absolutely right.
Aaronow: They . . .
Moss: They have . . .
Aaronow: When they . . .
Moss: Look look look look, when