you see this happen?”
“No, but I was in the building. During it for all I know. Talking to Gerald. When I walked past the lab earlier, Dr. Abbott appeared to be alone, studying his notes next to some vials. Where’s Gerald?”
“Upstairs in his office making calls.”
Kat nodded, and continued with her questioning. “When was the time of death? What do you think the man was after?”
“No dice, Katharine. I ask the questions here. Besides, what makes you think it was a man?”
She looked around and pointed to the mess. “Women seldom commit violent crimes and this sure looks like it qualifies.”
“How do you know he wasn’t a philanderer and a very angry wife or girlfriend did it?”
“You better watch what you say,” interrupted Frank as he stashed some of his photography equipment. His eyes swung in Katharine’s direction. He enjoyed leaving them there for a while. It was certainly more comfortable than looking at the dead body. As often as he witnessed these scenes he was never at ease around a new corpse.
Detective Burrows narrowed his eyes and nodded, getting the point. “So who are you working for tonight, Katharine? The college? Or just here to bug me?”
That prompted her to ask, and consequently get out of answering the question, “Come to think of it, did anyone notify the university president?”
“Of course we tried. We’re also trying to reach the dean. I understand the president’s out of town.”
“Actually, he wasn’t due to leave till morning, early. Try again,” Kat suggested.
While she carefully studied the scene, the men continued their work. Kat knew not to touch anything or walk around needlessly. They knew she’d grown up with the drill and would act accordingly or they wouldn’t have let her stay. She knew officers were still gathering evidence, carefully collecting shards of glass in the sink near Charlie’s body. It was then she noticed he wasn’t really “wearing” a short rod, but the broken end of a long one. It looked like the killer had the presence of mind to destroy fingerprints by shattering the end he’d held.
Burrows wasn’t really nervous having her around. The man knew her father, James, for many years. Her dad was one of his best cops. Kat had wormed every bit of investigative technique from him before he retired.
While watching, Kat speculated on what brought the professor to this point. She mentioned his research, and the sheets of notes nearby were looked at by the cops again with more interest, though no more understanding. She glanced over their shoulders and finally tucked herself between Burrows and John so she could get a better look at the handwriting. The usual tiny script associated with scientists hindered close scrutiny of markings. What was she hoping to see? Signs of fear, anger? Anything to show what led him to this point of death. Maybe later she could study it.
Gerald returned, saying he’d finally reached the president and he was on the way. As head of the biology department, Gerald looked over the notes in hopes of helping.
A frazzled female student motioned to Kat when John Lang wasn’t looking. She pointed to some books near the door. Seeing how far away the books were from the crime scene, Kat decided to take pity on her, scooped up the scattered pile, and handed it over. The girl nodded her thanks and tried to see inside. Kat scooted her away.
Gerald provided the name of the chemistry chair, Dr. Simon Santora, saying he was the one most likely to help. He could also provide a list of students working with Charlie.
A slight clamor drew Kat’s attention. Thomas Ludlow, the president of Mountain View University , bustled up, his soaking umbrella still trailing rivulets of rain. Detective Burrows and Kat converged on the door at the same time. “You remember Detective Richard Burrows?” she said, knowing they’d met but that the president saw hundreds of people every week. They all stayed near the door, away from