Forever Young Birth Of A Nation
starting up a bank
in America too?”
    He thought well, aren’t you well
informed! “Why yes. It is my own venture, and does not have
anything to do with this institution.”
    “I have heard that. So who do you have
laying the groundwork over there?”
    Glad that the conversation had not returned
to Edwards’ dead older brother he replied “We have Ian McCloud and
James Barrows as our agents in New York City.”
    “I see. You said “we” so I take it you have
partners in your endeavor then?”
    “Yes. It is a risk what with hostilities
over there between the colonists and the Crown. We are going to be
quite cautious for a while, but in the long term, we think that the
colonies are going to offer great opportunities for banking.”
    “I see.”
    “I do hope you are interested in banking,
Mr. Edwards. I have been quite busy since your brother disappeared.
I assume that you will be coming aboard then to take over your
brother’s interests should he not be found then?”
    “I am not sure at this time. Would you be
interested in buying out the Edwards’ share of the bank should he
be officially presumed dead?”
    Milliken gave a snort, followed by a short
laugh. “Heavens no! I am too busy now with what I have on my own
plate.” My proxy agent will buy you out, but it will never be
connected to me he thought. He had been studying the man
intently without seeming to the whole time. Like Henri Lafayette,
Robert Milliken maintained an affable and pleasant demeanor and
like Henri, he never missed much in studying those whom he was
dealing with. Both men were past masters of that and of appearing
all the while to be only politely interested, keeping others
feeling at ease while in their presence. To verify a nagging
suspicion he devised a test as they wrapped up their conversation.
Reaching across his desk to once more shake hands with Edwards he
appeared to knock over his inkwell with the sleeve of his coat.
Edward’s hand shot out in a blur to catch it and prevent it from
spilling. It was blindingly fast. Too fast for a human reaction,
but Robert’s vampire eyes saw it and he knew then that the younger
Edwards was a vampire Adept .
    “Oh, how clumsy of me Edwards! You saved the
day there and prevented a big mess. Thank you sir!”
    “Think nothing of it sir. Good day.”
    “Good day to you sir.” Got you! So you
are a vampire. Even better, you do not know that I am too. What in
hell are you really doing here? And who mentored you to fall for a
trick like that? As he thought on the subject, he realized that
a vampire unknown to him now knew that Ian and James were in New
York City, and worse yet, it was the younger brother of the man he
himself had killed . Is he after the killer or does he think Ian
killed his brother? And if so, where did he get that idea? He
resolved to hire a private investigator immediately to learn all
about young Edwards. He would do that today, and would dispatch a
coded message to both Henri and to Ian.

Chapter 3
    That evening, Ian and James met Andrew and
treated him to dinner. They spoke briefly of what he hoped to trade
for while in the colonies and the orders he had yet to fill while
in New York. They bid Andrew a good night and within a half hour,
both Ian and James were dressed in dark seamen’s clothing. In four
minutes they had swam the Hudson River and rocketed away to the
west. In around ten minutes they were in the deep woods some ten
miles from the shore. Ian smelled deer and in less than two more
minutes they had made a kill and soon they were filling their
copper flasks.
    He felt better than he could recall feeling
since Alandra had died. Being in the deep woods hunting with James
was just what he needed and both of them exulted in both running
full out through the darkness and the hunt itself. It was a relief
of sorts to relax their guard and for a short while, just to be the
creatures that they truly were, and not have to guard against
betraying themselves to humans. The

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