it’ll be good for ya. I’ll be in bed till the shoot on Monday morning.”
“Fuck, that’s right,” he sighs, laying his head back on his headrest. “I’ll hit ya up on Sunday if I’m free. We can go over the schedule for the week.”
“Great, sounds good. Have fun tomorrow.” I climb out and close the door behind me, not looking back as I rush into my apartment. I don’t live in a bad neighborhood, per se, but I definitely don’t like being outside after dark longer than I have to.
Maybe a weekend unplugged from everything, just sleeping and reading is exactly what I need. Maybe that’ll help me take my mind off the fact that he’ll be out probably screwing chicks and partying it up like the model he is.
Maybe. But probably not.
“Fuck,” I groan and roll over in bed. The pain that woke me up in the middle of the night is just starting to subside. It only took three damn hours.
Sunday morning and I’m lying here in an empty bed, watching the sunrise from my condo, all alone. Lately there hasn’t been anyone that I want to bring back here to warm my bed so I haven’t really tried too hard. I don’t need someone here just because.
That’s a lie. The more I tell myself that… well maybe one day I’ll believe it. Of course there’s someone I want here, I’m just too much of a pussy to do anything about it.
Pulling myself out of bed, I toss a k-cup in the Keurig and head to the bathroom. After splashing my face with cold water and grabbing a few pain pills, I piss. I’m ready to go out and grab my coffee that just finished up when I immediately hate what I see in the toilet.
“Goddamnit,” I mutter, flushing the toilet with a shaking hand. This can’t be happening to me.
The office still hasn’t called back but I know this shit isn’t good. What healthy grown man’s piss is bloody? That shit doesn’t happen unless there’s something terribly wrong. The weird part is that it didn’t even hurt. Not one bit. Sure, I’m still getting over the pain from a few hours ago that rendered me motionless for what seemed to be eternity, but peeing blood should’ve been painful, right?
After staring at my hands under the ice-cold water for way too long, dazed and completely out of my element, I finish up and try to start my Sunday while forgetting about what just happened. Nothing on the agenda today. I could just sit around and do nothing… take a little break… but I’m not so certain that’s a good idea at this point in the game. My brain won’t slow down at all the ‘what if’ scenarios.
I told Alexis I’d call her if I was free in hopes that she would try to make plans, but she didn’t. She just wanted out of the car as fast as she could. Weird. Something’s going on with her, and I need to find out. She hasn’t been herself lately, but in all honestly neither have I. I’ll be better once the office calls with my results. I’ll be better once I know what I’m facing.
It’s the uncertainty that’s making me insane.
Instead of immediately texting Alexis, I throw on clothes and head down the street to the bagel shop. I don’t need the carbs, but I don’t really care right now. Yesterday I spent the day burning calories. One meal isn’t going to kill my muscle mass. I’ve worked too hard for things to go to shit at this point, but I’m finding myself not caring this morning. It’s Sunday, so I know I’m not going to be receiving a phone call today from the doctor’s office, but I can’t help the nagging feeling in my gut that the longer it takes for them to contact me the worse the results are going to be.
A few weeks ago, when I really noticed the pains becoming more and more recurrent, I finally made the appointment with my doctor to have things checked out. I guess I assumed it was just because of my insane schedule and eating habits, or lack thereof that was making me feel like shit. It didn’t take him long though, to feel around and