Piper and I are going to be attending services there, you should join us.” “Maybe I will. So what is your major?” It was obvious to Aimee, he was changing the current subject. “Business Management and Marketing. What’s yours?” Aiden laughed. “Business Management and Marketing.” “You’re joking, right?” “Not at all. So, I guess it is safe to say, we are going to be study partners.” Aimee nodded. “Study partners for sure.” The conversation continued about school throughout the main course. Aiden ordered a fruit parfait and a cup of coffee for each of them for dessert. Aimee was amazed how nice he was. He had the good looks and a great personality which could only mean one of two things. “So, do you have a girlfriend?” He seemed amused. “What gave me away?” “Mainly it is the fact that I have never meet a single, straight guy who is so well-mannered and thoughtful.” Aiden laughed out loud. “I am so glad you didn’t ask…” Aimee laughed with him. “We’ll just leave it at that. Tell me about your girlfriend.” “Her name is Ava Porter. She is studying fashion design in Italy. How about you? Do you have some special guy waiting for you back in the States?” “No and no to the second question as well.” He laughed. “It seems I am not the only one with psychic abilities at our table. Seriously though, I would have thought for sure you would have been taken.” Aimee blushed once more. “I always knew I wanted to come to Neahovia to attend college. A relationship oceans apart didn’t seem practical to me.” Aiden took the bill from the waiter and ordered two to-go cups of coffee. “You know some say distance makes the heart grow fonder. While others think it is a true test for your love.” “Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” He chuckled. “It’s cool. Italy is closer than flying to the States. So, I can see how that could make a difference.” The walk home seemed shorter to Aimee; maybe because now she was familiar with the street a little. The air was cool, and she was glad to have the extra cup of coffee to help keep her warm. Lexi was writing on a dry erase message board when Aiden and Aimee returned to the flat. Aiden sat in the oversized chair across from Colin. Colin started grinning from ear to ear. “Well, Lex, look who has finally made it home.” “It’s about time.” She continued writing in bold letters Flat Meeting Tomorrow at eight p.m. “Ava has called me twice looking for you.” Aiden felt around his pants. “I must have left my phone here.” Colin tossed him his phone. “Lex, you should have been like me and just not answered her calls.” “Hey Lex, what are you doing?” Aiden asked in an annoyed tone. “We needed a message board, so I bought one.” “I see that. What is this Flat Meeting stuff?” Colin rolled his eyes as Lexi responded. “The Villa Advisor called and said we had to do a meeting.” She picked up the marker Pizza provided by the guys . Aimee snickered. “Looks like Lexi just told you. By the way, I love extra cheese and I am allergic to mushrooms.” The girls headed up stairs as the guys mumbled. Piper was finishing arranging her side of the room when Aimee walked in the room. So, Aimee went and cleaned her face and slipped on her favorite oversized baseball shirt, then took out her Bible. Piper took out her Bible and sat on her bed. “I am so glad that your dad is letting you study at Ancaster. I was so afraid he would say no.” “Me too.” Aimee started reading her Bible. “What are you studying, Piper?” “The Book of James.” “So am I.”
Chapter Two The alarm went off at eight a.m. Aimee hit the snooze button. Eight hours of sleep was not enough to relief her jet lag. Ten minutes later, the alarm sounded again. She decided against hitting the snooze again, so she just accepted defeat. She took her Bible out and reread the first chapter of