physical dimensions! If this theory is correct, what we call our visible universe is one of many multiple bubble- like universes in the multiverse. The multiverse (or “meta-universe” as it is sometimes called) is an infinite number of possible universes that interact together and make up what we call reality. In some of these other universes, the laws of physics are the same and in some quite different. Universes close by each other in the multiverse are called parallel universes; each could be inhabited by intelligent beings that rarely, if ever, get to meet their cousins who live in a nearby reality. Imagine there is another copy of you reading this book in another galaxy billions of lights years away on another planet called Earth. The life of this person is almost identical to yours in every respect, until now. Let’s say you decide to stop reading this book but your twin continues to read it until the book is finished: this would be the turning point from which the realities start to diverge. Most would find this idea very strange and unacceptable. We would like to think we are all unique, but according to the simplest theory in the multiverse, called the level I, this duplicate of you actually exists in a galaxy 40 billion light years from our planet. There are four levels of the multiverse theory, presented briefly in the following sections. Level I: The Cosmic Horizon In this version all matter in the universe is dimensional and expanding in all directions across space and time. The level I universe is so vast that eventually everything is duplicated with even a copy of you at a great distance somewhere in space beyond 40 billion light years. All intelligent beings in the level I universe experience the same laws of physics. This theory discounts the idea of you and your double(s) ever meeting; the distances required for the duplication to take place is too vast. Level II: The Cosmic Bubble This theory states that there is an infinite number of level I universes existing like bubbles throughout reality. Each universe would have a different space-time dimensionality and would most likely have different physical laws that govern them. Each bubble universe is predicted to be farther and farther from our own universe. Even if you traveled at the speed of light forever, you could never reach the closest one since the inflation of the bubbles continues to move them away from each other at greater and greater speed. Although in the level II multiverse we are unable to interact with these other realities, scientists can infer their presence indirectly by observing unexplained phenomenon in our universe and gravitational interactions with clusters of galaxies. Level III: Infinite Diverging Realities Level I and II deal with worlds that are too far for us to ever see. The level III theory says that they are all close by and extensions of our own reality. This idea originates from the concept that random quantum processes cause the universe to branch outward in time, space, and dimensionality into multiple copies, one for each possible outcome. Simply put, every action or decision being made or not made by every living being has multiple outcomes and each is branching out, creating their own separate reality. There may be a reality in which you got married, another in which you did not. In one reality you may have brought a green car, in another a red one and so on. Some of these parallel realities may be only slightly different from your own: if you switched places with your double, you may never know the difference. Level IV: The Theory of the Parallel Multiverse I like this theory best because it explains most paranormal phenomenon seen in our world. Level IV theory states that there are an infinite number of bubble-like universes attached to ours in a multidimensional state. At any time, two or more of these parallel realities may merge together and allow matter to stream from one universe to the next. Perhaps