Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel)

Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel) Read Free Page A

Book: Faster Deeper (Take Me...#2) (New Adult Bad Boy Racer Novel) Read Free
Author: Colleen Masters
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incriminating pictures of us? I have no
idea. I’ve barely met the girl. Why the hell would be she doing a thing like
this? Maybe she’s carrying a torch for Harrison, and I went and got in her way?
It’s insane, but not impossible.
    I look back and forth between Charlie and Shelby. Which one
of them is more likely to be behind this? Or—and this thought scares me more
than anything—what if it’s not either of them? What if some complete stranger
is out there with a batch of pictures that could ruin my life? Someone I can’t
reason with or understand, someone who’s just out to make our lives miserable.
This isn’t how I pictured things going at all. I was just starting to hope that
maybe Harrison and I could find a way to become public without inciting a shit
storm. But any chance of that seems about as likely as the Pope converting to
Judaism right about now.
    Enzo takes a swaggering step forward, snapping me out of my
panicked mind. My brother heads straight for Harrison, who breaks away from his
own pack. They walk toward each other across the marble lobby, and the rest of
us fall silent. I halfway expect them to take their forty paces before opening
fire on each other. But I have a feeling that if a duel does occur between
these two, it’s going to go down on the track, not in the lobby of some fancy
    “Heading out early, Lazio?” Harrison asks, drawing up to my
brother. The two men are almost exactly the same size. They’re both tall and
muscular, without being outrageously built. I wonder who would come out on top
in a fight, if it came to it? Oh Christ, I hope it doesn’t ever come to that. I
don’t think I could stand it.
    “Just getting a head start,” my brother replies, crossing
his arms.
    “Hoping to get some extra practice in before the next race?”
Harrison smiles.
    He’s ribbing Enzo, trying to piss him off. Jesus, do we have
to watch this little pissing contest right now? Sometimes even the most manly
men can act like overgrown boys.
    “I don’t really believe in being reckless,” Enzo says coolly,
“We run a pretty tight ship.”
    “Yes, I see that,” Harrison says, nodding to the rest of us,
“But you know, Lazio, sometimes it’s good to shake things up a bit.”
    “You call sleeping through your preliminary shaking things
up?” Enzo scoffs.
    “Paid off, didn’t it?” Harrison smiles.
    “It’s dangerous,” Enzo says, “All you do, Davies, is make an
already risky sport riskier for us all. It’s inconsiderate, and
    “But I suppose that cutting off drivers left and right and
making personal attacks is the height of acting like a true gentleman, eh
Lazio?” Harrison shoots back.
    “No one’s attacking you,” Enzo says, “Don’t be so dramatic.”
    “You know full well what I’m talking about. And you know
that I’m right,” Harrison says, “We both know that I’m making you nervous,
especially now that I’ve beat your ass, and you’re trying to make yourself feel
better by taking cheap shots at my family. Well guess what, Lazio? I’m not my
father. And you’re not yours. It’s just you, me, and the rest of the drivers
out there. We’re equals.”
    “You are not my equal,” Enzo spits, “You’re a lucky rookie
who’s going to get his ass handed to him by the time this championship is
    “You’re dreaming,” Harrison says with a grin.
    “You’re deluded,” Enzo returns, “You’ll burn out in no time,
Davies. Sooner or later, you’ll crack. You’ll slip up, and the world will be
able to see you for who you really are. A no-good, womanizing, drunkard of a
racer who’ll fizzle and die out before long.”
    I watch as Enzo’s words sink into Harrison’s mind. I know
he’s thinking the exact same thing as I am: he really does have something to
hide these days, but it’s got nothing to do with his father. It’s me he has to
worry about.
    “See you in Russia, Lazio,” Harrison says, snapping out of

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