me...Please don’t hate me...
Mrs. Allen watched him leave and then turned back to me, “You know seen him makes me wonder, where is Alec? Shouldn’t he be here?”
“He’ll be back tomorrow,” I snapped, fed up with her smug attitude. “You know if you’re not going to buy anything, I have work to do.”
I loved watching the way that her face reddened. She spun around and pushed her way through the crowd and out the door. She stormed off, back to her own store without looking back.
A ripple of muffled laughter barely disguised as coughs spread through the store.
“How does she ever stay in business?” One of the old farmers asked, “Every time I see her, she’s visiting in one of the other shops.”
“I know,” another one said. “I dropped the wife of yesterday afternoon to get her hair done and I’ll be damned if that Mrs. Allen wasn’t in there just chatting away.”
Another farmer stepped up, “A couple nights ago I overheard her at the diner talking about how she hasn’t turned a profit over at her store in almost two months. Can you believe that?”
“Well,” the first farmer said. “Maybe if she would try staying in her own shop and stopped gallivanting around.”
Now that the conversation moved on to Mrs. Allen poor business practices, I could breathe a little easier. I was even able to pretend to still be interested when the talk shifted to the upcoming harvest.
It was a steady flow of customers for the rest of the day. For once, I was thankful to be busy. It saved me from having time to think, and the last thing I wanted to do was think.
By the time I closed store for the day, I was exhausted and the soreness of my shoulder had settled into a throbbing ache. The pain made me wonder how long it would take for it to heal completely and what my x-rays must look like now. I pictured it as looking like a window after being shot at with a pellet gun.
I locked up, smelling the evening air as I walked home. The sun scorched leaves burned my nose. Even though it was still miserable hot, that smell and the longer deeper evening shadows proved that the seasons had indeed changed.
It was depressing to know the summer was over. It was the best and worst summer of my life, and it was just gone. How was I supposed to get over it all?
I stopped at the mailbox again, but there were no letters, only more bills to deal with. When would Kieran write? Would I ever hear from him again?
I went on to the house that I had shared with my grandmother. Once inside, the rooms were still and quiet other than the constant hum of the air conditioner. Standing there in the dim silence, the emptiness seemed huge, like if I were to speak that the sound of my voice would echo through the vacant rooms.
My life is here... And this is it...This is all there is...
I went on up the stairs. Why not? There was no one to talk to and no one to fuss at me for going on up to bed without eating supper first. One good thing about being alone, no one was there to tell you when you broke the rules.
I kicked off my shoes and crawled into my bed. I reached over and picked up Kieran’s letter, picking at the scab of my broken heart, and read it again.
I cannot imagine anything more difficult than leaving you behind. It was everything I could do not to carry you off while you slept, but I shall respect your wishes...For now.
Downstairs, on your kitchen table, I have left enough money for you to pay your debts.
Megan was right; everyone deserves happiness...Even if I have to wait for it. I will come back for you and when I do, I won’t take no for an answer.
All my love,
At that moment, tired, aching all over, and all alone, I wish the Kieran would hurry back and save me from myself.
Chapter 5
I knew it was there, I could feel the pain lurking in the darkness. It was never really that far away, but it was always worse at night and it was always waiting there to pounce soon as I let