Falcon’s Captive

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Book: Falcon’s Captive Read Free
Author: Vonna Harper
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running beside her. They’d share the same heat and speed, the same confidence in their bodies. But unlike the doe or buck, she didn’t have to rely on her legs to stay alive. Instead of fleeing danger, she became a predator and attacked.
    That’s what she wanted: images of beak and talons ripping into flesh, the newcomers screaming in pain and fear while she cried out her vengeance.
    Hatred rolled through her only to be replaced by yet another emotion. No matter how long or hard she ran, she wouldn’t be able to expel this sensation, and after a moment, she slipped deep into her mind and spun out what her imagination and need had spawned.
    Whether they’d been in Falcon or human form, sex with Raci had been fierce and quick. They’d been so hungry for each other that they’d fairly clawed at one another. If they’d had more time together, more than a few couplings, hot starvation might have settled into something quiet that would have allowed them to savor long hours together. Instead of pushing her breasts and cunt at him and demanding he spear her, she would have taken his cock in her hands while he ran his fingers over her wet entrance. They would have gone slowly and carefully, judging each other’s responses so they’d know when to slow down even more or even, briefly, leave each other alone.
    They’d play games.
    Taking her cue from how the simple falcons her kind shared the sky with mated, she’d tell Raci to lay claim to her body. Even though female raptors are larger than males, she’d demand he control her as a falcon brings down its prey. I want to pretend to fight you, she’d tell him. To pit my strength against yours so you can teach me that you’re stronger. I want you to take me, fiercely and masterfully. Teach me to respect you.
    How, he’d ask. By forcing you?
    Yes! That’s what I want. No longer feeling as if I’m in control of my world but having you take charge. Force a climax from me. Even keep it from me until I beg, or until I tell you that I hate you.
    Because that way I’ll always know my body is yours.
    What would it be like to be a captive of the newcomers?
    Startled by the question, she rubbed her suddenly cold arms. She’d seen enough of the newcomers to know they were almost identical physically to Falcon males when the Falcons were in human form. In other words, the newcomers might be as fast as she was, which meant that unless she became Falcon, she couldn’t outrun them. Even more unsettling, the newcomers were well armed as witnessed by the arrow that had killed Raci.
    The newcomers had no women with them, which meant that they might capture her instead of killing her. If that happened, for the first time in her life she wouldn’t have control over her body or its reactions. She, who had never feared anyone or anything, couldn’t flee or attack. Instead, she’d have no choice but to wait, to experience, to be handled.
    To her shock, instead of being appalled, she felt her pussy became damp. Barely aware of what she was doing, she slid a hand between her legs. The instant she did, she pondered what it would be like to have a stranger’s hand there. As his captive, the newcomer would have undoubtedly restrained her. Secure in his superiority, he’d set about taking control. Ignoring her curses and struggles, he’d touch her entire body. His fingers would probe and invade, tease and test. Maybe laughing, he’d strip her of all maturity and sanity. Heartbeat by heartbeat, she’d surrender to the avalanche of sensations until all battle seeped from her muscles and she became primitive, a woman wanting just one thing from this man she hated and maybe feared.
    By the time her captor buried his cock in her, she’d be begging for him to have sex with her. If Raci were still alive, she might never think of him again.
    Panting, her cheeks and throat hot, Jola abandoned her pussy and again sheltered her breasts. Was it possible? That those she would kill if she could

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