winning the lottery a good thing, but I had a slightly darker connotation for the word. I associated it with negative thoughts and wake up every day thinking, “ Is today the lucky day? Is today the day I die?” I didn’t need anyone to tell me how cruel and unkind the world can be. Some would try to convince me that there was balance in everything. I have witnessed cruelty first-hand, and all I have ever asked for is that so-called balance. Everyone that was ever a significant part of my life was taken from me, so if there was any balance to the universe then why hasn’t it taken me too? Oh, right, because the whole “balance” theory was bull shit. I’ve seen too much evil in the world and have yet to find the good. Why? Because I can’t die, literally. I have always been this big freak of nature. I have bounced around from foster home to foster home because no one could handle my strange abnormalities. They could never understand why I developed physically and mentally ahead of all the other kids and why I never got sick and why I healed instantly after getting hurt. I didn’t blame them because I was more confused than anyone. It got even weirder when the super senses started to kick in and it became increasingly difficult to explain how I could overhear things I shouldn’t have heard and smelled things that no one else picked up on. Once I realized these things weren’t normal to everyone else, I shut up about my abilities. By that time though, I had already been through countless homes and had been labeled a freak by all the other kids my age, so I just accepted the label since I couldn’t argue it. The foster care system tried endlessly to track down any living relatives but always came up empty handed. The only thing they could conclude was that my dad and then 18-month old brother died in a car accident and my mother died giving birth to me. I didn’t know why some people thought offering up rational explanations for a person’s untimely death would help others cope with that death, as if reasoning with it and knowing what happened would explain why it happened. I had several people try to tell me my mother was probably so stressed out and depressed about my father and brother that it caused the premature labor and was ultimately responsible for her complications. I have always felt responsible for my mother’s death and in some way for my whole family’s demise. It was just too big of a coincidence that they all died, and I ended up being impossible to kill, as far as I knew anyway. There have been plenty of close calls to convince me of that. I always tried searching for possible reasons why I was such a freak, more of a way to prove myself wrong, that I wasn’t responsible for their deaths. I came up with nothing that made sense until one night walking home from the library when I was fifteen and saw something I could never forget. I saw one of them for the first time that night, and everything seemed to click. The day I stopped researching was the day I got my first real dose of truth. I stopped researching because I had all the answers I needed when I witnessed that vampire feeding on a woman in a dark parking lot. Something in my stomach twisted at the sight, but it was more than a reaction to the horror. I felt that innate alarm go off for the first time. It was the first time I sensed a vampire and felt that unusual draw toward the darkness. It wasn’t a yearning to be part of it but realization of the connection I had to it. I didn’t question what I was seeing because something inside me told me it was real. I didn’t waste time trying to rationalize it. Suddenly, all the confusion I felt about myself over the years just turned into rage. I went straight into action at lightning speed and ripped the vampire away from the endangered girl with a newfound strength. I slammed both hands against his chest sending him 20 feet away into the nearest building leaving him crumpled on the