and once you entered through extremely large doors, the main lobby’s ceiling was as tall as the structure, which was a few stories. Large windows opened up to a dining room and beyond that, two rows of trains had been converted to non-moving sleeper cars around an enormous beautiful garden complete with pools, trimmed designed hedges and a rose garden. “I’ve never been here! My parents always made us go to Ana Maria, those beaches get packed, why didn’t we ever go here?” Brendan walked ahead of the group and held the door open. Harley was last. He placed a hand across the doorway to stop her. “How long are you going to be mad at me?”
“I’m hurt Brendan, not mad.” She slipped under his arm and skipped ahead to walk with Kayla.
Brendan met up with Jaden.
Jaden looked over, “Nothing, huh?”
“She said I hurt her.”
“She has no idea how much shit you went through? How many times a week you defended her to your parents?”
“She doesn’t want to listen.”
“Brendan, people like Harley don’t want pleading and begging. Harley needs to be smacked between the eyes.”
“I’m not going to hit her.”
“It’s a figure of speech, Brendan. She needs Mr. Big and Strong, not Mr. Tail-between-his-legs. Get it?”
Brendan shook his head, still sulking at Harley’s slap.
They checked in and went to their rooms, boys in one and girls in the other.
Harley was exhausted. Kayla wasn’t much company and there was really nothing to do. They had eaten quickly during the drive so she didn’t feel like food. Harley lay back on her bed and looked at the ceiling. Brendan was a complete puzzle. One minute he was nice, the next he was looking at her with big puppy dog eyes. Whenever he looked at her that way she just wanted to smack him. She was starting to wonder what she saw in him before. Harley closed her eyes and fell asleep within seconds.
The next day Jaden drove them to the base of the foothill the caretaker told him about. He took his phone out and dialed his father again. There was no signal. He hadn’t been able to get a hold of him since they hit Tallahassee. He pocketed his phone and jumped out of the car to help everyone with the provisions for the two day hike. Part of him wished he could fly or just teleport himself there but this was reality and reality said they would hike looking for a couple that was most likely not there. They would be in close quarters with a couple pissed at each other and then there was Kayla who was clearly still in love with Chase. Yeah, Jaden thought, top that with not reaching his father and it had disaster written all over it.
Brendan had the tent and the largest backpack and set out first paving the way through the forest. Kayla was behind him, then Harley and bringing up the rear, Jaden. They camped the first night eight hours up the mountain. They ate a cold dinner and fell asleep quickly.
It was pre-dawn and Jaden was the first to wake. He could sense that it was early so he flipped his phone out of his shirt pocket, it was five-thirty. In about an hour he would get everyone up to start the long hike up the mountain. He sat for a while thinking about the day when the sun began to rise, jetting a low stream of sunlight through the tent directly onto Kayla. The sun made her brown hair sparkle with hues of red and gold. Her skin was always a touch golden so this morning she looked as if she was glowing. Jaden let his thoughts drift lazily toward her. He had been in love with her for as long as he could remember. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Lyla and Harley were pretty if you liked blonde or red hair; Jaden was always drawn to the honey color of Kayla’s. But to be fair, he would have been drawn to her even if she had dyed her hair blonde or red. As Jaden sat there looking at Kayla while she slept, her eyes fluttered open. They stared at each other for a moment before Kayla turned over. He wondered if she had truly even been awake.