around my own and squeezed. Looking at her made all my worries seem to fade away, as if there was nothing more important than making this little girl smile.
“Henry! I just had the greatest idea,” Barbara screeched like a giddy teenager and clapped her hands together. This woman was supposed to be 50, but you would never believe it.
“Will it cost me or your son?” my dad teased, and Barbara playfully socked him on the arm.
“Nope, that’s the best thing; it’ll probably save Drake some money, not that he hasn’t got bucket loads to spare,” she grinned.
“Then spit it out before you explode,” he said.
“Viola could be Leah’s nanny!”
I looked at her in shock.
“Work for Drake, are you kidding me?” I replied and the smile from her face disappeared. “Have you met your son?”
“Well, he needs someone he can trust. He’s not been able to find anyone who fits the bill since Christine abandoned him and Leah.”
I raised my eyebrows. How could someone abandon this gorgeous little girl?
“Christine’s the mom? And she left?” I interrupted, my mouth gaping.
Barbara nodded and said in a low voice, “Drake doesn’t like to talk about it, so don’t go bringing it up, OK? But as I was saying, my child-rearing days are over - I have too much going on with all my charities and events. But you? You need a job, and a place to stay… It would be perfect for both of you, don’t you see?”
“I don’t know, Barbara, I’ve never looked after a baby before. I can hardly look after myself,” I said as happy thoughts played around in my head. Looking after Leah would be a dream, but I didn’t know if I could stand working for Drake, let alone live with him.
“You’re getting along just fine at the moment. Leah hasn’t made a peep since you’ve been holding her. And you’re family…” she nodded as if her mind was made up. She gazed about the room and peered out into the garden.
Spotting what she was looking for, she shouted, “Drake! Come here, please?”
From my sitting position in the corner, I could see the scowl on Drake’s handsome face as his mother beckoned him back to our little gathering.
“Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t have to, darling,” my dad whispered to me before Drake arrived.
“I don’t think I have a choice, Dad,” I replied.
“You always have a choice, sweetheart.”
“Drake, I’ve found your new nanny!” Barbara beamed, her white polished teeth gleaming in the light.
“Really? That’s fantastic. What are her credentials? Can she be trusted?” he asked, rattling off countless questions. He was truly worried about who he left Leah with, and that didn’t bode well for me. He’d be a tyrant, I knew that for sure; he’d micromanage everything. But one look at the serene little child in my arms, and I knew I’d put up with almost anything to never let her go.
“Oh, she can definitely be trusted with your little one,” Barbara said. A cunning smile played upon her face as if she had a juicy secret.
She waved her hand in my direction as if presenting me.
“ Voila , Viola!” she giggled, and I groaned inwardly, like I’d never heard that one before.
Realisation smacked Drake upside the head, which started to shake from side to side. “No way, not going to happen.”
“And why not?” Barbara demanded, hands on her hips. I admired her going to bat for me, but it seemed like a lost cause. Drake always got his way, no matter what.
“Oh come on! You can’t be serious? We haven’t seen her in months, and you want her taking care of your grandchild?”
“She’s family, Drake! And she needs our help; kill two birds with one stone, isn’t that how that phrase goes?”
“Yeah, but—”
“No buts, Drake! This is my day, and this is my birthday wish. You wouldn’t want your mother upset on her birthday, now would you?”
“No, of course not, but—”
“I said, no buts! Give her a chance, a trial period?” Barbara said