I’m Doctor Banya. We’ll have you out of this spot of botha’ in a jiffy. We’re just gonna take you into the next room, put you unda’, take out that pesky appendix what’s been causin’ you this trouble and you’ll be good as new, I reckon,” the doctor said in very calm and relaxed way.
In contrast to the EMT’s, Doctor Banya’s smooth and relaxed demeanour seemed to instantly relieve a tension in my brow and shoulders that I hadn’t realized I was carrying.
Suddenly remembering something, the doctor turned back.
“Oh, I almost forgot, you got a visita’! I told her she could speak to you before we operate, but keep it quick. The hospital won’t want to have to pay us all overtime because you were too busy talking the knickers off some bird to get your appendix out,” Banyan blurted out with a grin and a sly wink before walking away.
Confused, I looked up to see Dr. Kiebler standing in the doorway. She quickly walked over to me.
“Jace I’m so sorry that I didn’t take your dreams more seriously.” She said “Obviously what I chalked up to a repressed emotional response was actually your own body trying to send you a message to prevent the same fate as your father. I never even considered…”
“It’s ok,” I interrupted. “There’s no way you could have known. I guess sometimes what we see in our dreams really can be literal, huh?”
“I guess,” she replied.
“I must be a very important patient to get my shrink to chase my ambulance all the way across town” I said with a sly grin.
“It’s no trouble,” she said in a much more serious tone now. “As a professional, I feel responsible for my inaccurate diagnosis…” Her serious demeanour began to melt. “…and as a lifelong friend of you and your family, I’m here for support. I’ve had Lacy reschedule all my appointments for today. I’ll be here for you when you wake up.”
We looked at each other for a long moment, but before I could find the right words to reply Dr. Banyan stepped in and grabbed hold of the metal railing of my gurney.
“Come along, my boy, there’s no time to waste; we need to get you in here if you have any hope of sharing a romantic dinner with your friend this evening.”
With that they began pulling me and my bed away into the O.R. so quickly that I could only exchange on last embarrassed glance with Dr. Kiebler.
Before I knew it, I was surrounded by a surgical team. An assistant pushed a syringe into an IV bag and within moments my world once again slowly went black.
Chapter 3 – Let’s Play Doctor
I very slowly began to become aware of sounds, a pain in my side, screams, the sound of surgical tools scattering across the floor. When I finally came to and opened my eyes I realized I had awoken in a nightmare.
A burning, seething pain flared through my side.
I was on the floor, lying on my side. The gurney in my operating room had been overturned, and there was blood, some of it mine and some of it not, sprayed over the walls and pooling on the floor.
A surgical assistant lay slumped on the floor next to me. As if in answer of my mental question, her head lolled to the side and her wide, dead eyes looked into mine.
The pain screamed in my side again, matching the actual screaming from Doctor Banyan on the other side of the room, accompanied by the clatter of something striking steel.
I slowly looked up, past my open wound in my side and toward Banyan, who was crouched against the floor behind a stainless steel surgical tool cart, its contents spilled and scattered across the floor.
“AHHHRRAAHHHH!” he screamed unintelligibly.
I couldn’t make sense of the clatter at first. My eyes saw it, but my mind couldn’t understand it, and I had to stare and focus for what seemed like an eternity, my brain at a complete loss to figure out what I was staring at. And then it turned, just slightly enough
Kennedy Ryan, Lisa Christmas