nonexistent. We do offer some fried ones, but honestly, I don’t recommend them because they’ve been frozen.”
“I see. Then what exactly do you recommend?”
His voice was like butter being spread over warm bread. Smooth, rich and creamy.
“Er, well, our grits cake with tasso gravy is our trademark appetizer. It’s excellent. Our uptown eggrolls are also very tasty.”
“Hmm. They both sound delicious. I think I’ll try the grits cake please.”
“Excellent choice.” I moved around the table and completed the order on my end. I found myself on a mad dash to the kitchen, tossing my order at the chef and heading for the restroom again. At this rate, all the paper towels would be gone in an hour.
Thank heavens my runner was around to deliver the appetizers. I followed him to make sure each dish was delivered to the correct person and checked to see if everyone was pleased with their order. Smoky Eyes was humming with delight so I’d made a good call on the grits cake for him.
I took everyone’s dinner order and it went fine...except for you know who. He had a ton of questions, of course. The corners of his mouth would lift a bit so I knew he recognized the effect he had on me. I was
getting annoyed already...not so much with him, but with myself. How could my own body betray me so badly? Ugh!
“Tell me...”
“It’s Alexia.”
“Of course. Forgive me. Tell me Alexia. Is the wahoo moist and tender?”
“Yes. It’s fresh off the boat today. It’s pan seared and finished off in the oven. It’s quite delicious.”
“Is it juicy? It’s not too fishy is it?”
“No, it’s a very mild white fish. Not too dense and yes, it’s juicy. Not dry at all.” I grinned.
Someone at the table said, “Just order the damn fish already Pearce. It’s only a meal for Christ’s sake.”
“True, but it’s an important meal, isn’t is Alexia?”
I raised a brow and said, “I wouldn’t know. But, I don’t think the fish will disappoint you.”
He said under his breath, but loud enough for me to hear, “It’s not the fish I’m concerned about. Yes, then I’ll try the wahoo.”
Thank all the gods in all heavens everywhere. Smoky Eyes has made a decision. Hallelujah!
The entire table clapped for him and I snorted.
He gave me a look that sent shivers up my spine. I moved along and finished taking the rest of the orders.
The rest of their meal went along very nicely. I remained off the radar except for the few drink orders I had to take and dessert time. Smoky Eyes ordered a very expensive port and followed every move of mine with his eyes. Damn, he was sexy.
By the time they all stood up to leave, it was nine thirty. I was ready for them to get the show on the road. The restaurant was nearly empty. I was thinking about heading down the street for a few drinks afterward.
They all headed towards the door when Smoky Eyes brushed up against me. He grabbed my hand and thanked me for my excellent service and patience with him. Then he pushed a wad of bills in my hand and walked out. This was a tip beyond what had already been left with the payment.
I headed back to the restroom and unfolded the wad and saw it was two one hundred dollar bills and his business card. Smoky Eyes had a name. I looked closely at the card. He was a trauma surgeon at the Medical University and his name was H. Pearce Middleton. On the back of the card he’d written a note:
Please call me. I’d love to take you to dinner sometime. PM
Hmm. Middleton was an old Charleston name. I wondered if he was one of those Middleton’s. If so, he’d been toying with me big time. A Charleston Middleton would know what wahoo was and would also know oysters were out of season in July. In any case, it didn’t matter, because I would never call him. He didn’t need to get involved with me. I was a mess and he was a totally cool, put together guy that was
C. D. Wright, William Carlos Williams