Dying for Danish

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Book: Dying for Danish Read Free
Author: Leighann Dobbs
Tags: Mystery: Cozy - Bakery - Amateur Sleuths
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want...right after you tell us everything you know about the murder.”
    With a sigh, Lexy pulled out a chair, flopping into it. The four ladies leaned in towards her. Lexy told them about how the door had swung open when she knocked, how she had let herself in and discovered the body in the kitchen.
    “No one was there?” Helen asked, the wrinkles on her forehead doubling.
    “What was she wearing?” Ida asked.
    “Did you see the murder weapon?” Ruth added.
    Lexy bit her lower lip trying to remember. “Come to think of it, I didn’t see the murder weapon...I don’t know if they found it.”
    The women nodded knowingly.
    “That’s the first thing you should look for.” Helen said.
    Lexy held up her hands. “No, no...I’m not trying to find the killer on this one, ladies.”
    Trying to ignore the looks of disappointment on their faces, she went on, “I do have one little problem though.”
    Nans cocked her head to one side, “Go on, dear.”
    “As you know, the Toliver’s hired me to cater all the events leading up to and including the wedding.  Obviously there will be no wedding now, but I desperately need to collect at least the money for what I have done so far. I was supposed to get paid half now and the rest after the wedding, but with the murder now I’m not sure how to collect my money.”  She looked at Nans, “That’s the favor I wanted, I was hoping you could go over there with me...you know...to give your condolences to Xavier and maybe give him a hint about the payment.”
    “Of course, Xavier and I have been great friends since grade school so I should go over and give my condolences. He must be crushed...you know, he really did care for her. We can go right now, if you want.”
    Lexy looked at her watch, several hours had passed since she was last at the mansion which gave Xavier a bit of time to process the information. She stood up, pushing her chair in. “Now would be perfect.”
    Ida, Ruth and Helen were already pulling out their iPads - presumably to Google the Tolivers and start their investigation.
    As Lexy made her way across the lobby to the door with Nans she heard Ida yell out after them, “Don’t forget to question anyone who is there, inspect the crime scene and bring us back some clues!”

Chapter Four
    Lexy approached the big oak door with butterflies in her stomach for the second time that day. Unlike earlier, though, the door didn’t open on its own when she tapped the brass knocker.
    After a couple of seconds, it did swing inward revealing Blake. His face registered surprise when he saw Lexy. “What brings you here again?  Not that it isn’t a pleasure to see you,” he said, his eyes making a round trip down her body then back up to her face.
    “I think you know my grandmother, Mona Baker?” she gestured towards Nans.
    Blake's eyebrows shot up. “Of course, Mona...how are you?
    “Oh, fine dear. Lexy told me about Chastine. I’ve come to give my condolences to your father. How is he holding up?”
    Blake opened the door wider, inviting them inside. “He’s doing as well as can be expected. I think a visit from you might cheer him up.”
    He ushered Nans and Lexy into a large library. She hadn’t seen this room on any of her previous visits. It was impressive. Oak bookcases filled with leather bound books lined the walls from floor to ceiling. The floor was covered in a sumptuous oriental rug with rich red and blue colors. It smelled of old books and cigars.
    A large fireplace sat at one end of the room flanked by two leather chairs on either side of an expensive looking tufted leather couch. Xavier Toliver reclined in one of the chairs at the end of the room, a box of tissues by his side. His eyes were red rimmed. He looked haggard and older than his seventy eight years.
    Nans rushed to Xavier's side. “Xavier, I just heard about Chastine - I’m so sorry!”
    “Thank you Mona, it’s been such a shock.” His voice broke on the last word. He

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