parking lot, or painting graffiti on the building. I’ll drop into your office when I come off shift and maybe we can talk for a few minutes to work out where we go from here. We need to take her out on a genuine date.”
“Maybe we could join her in the Zumba class. If they have one on the weekend that is,” joked Dylan.
At least, Maelor hoped he was joking. For a start, both of them often worked on weekends, and secondly he had no intention of prancing around in some girly dance class. Likely they’d expect him to wear one of those skintight, see-through dance costumes where everyone could see his cock and balls. He wouldn’t even wear one of those for a game in the bedroom, never mind in public.
Maelor was partnered on again with Dakota tonight. Even though he was the head of security, he never interfered with the rosters. They were organized by a computer program that treated everyone equally. He believed in doing the shit shifts as well as the good ones, and partnering with the other guards in rotation helped him get to know them all, their weaknesses, their failings, their strengths, and their personalities. Dakota was a good partner. She was smart and fit, so much so he had trouble remembering that she was both human and female. But she didn’t cause his cock to rise. His admiration, yes. But not his cock.
The shift turned out to be one of those nights where they were constantly on the move. First there were teenagers in the parking lot, using the supermarket trolleys to ride down the ramps like toboggans. Some people might call it harmless fun but the ramps were steep, the teenagers intrepid, and the likelihood someone would fall over the side of the parking lot onto the concrete many feet below too high.
By the time those kids were sent on their way back home, another group was trying to climb the back wall of the complex to abseil down from the dome. He called the police this time. These kids were older and came equipped with ropes and crampons and other gear.
No sooner had the police taken them away than some stupid kids were throwing pumpkins from the top deck of the parking lot at passing cars.
“Jeez, Louise, is it end of semester break or something? Hasn’t anyone taken their medication tonight?” Dakota complained as they ran up six flights of stairs.
He called a cleaning crew and stood over the kids as they scrubbed the mess off the roadway. He wasn’t sure if he could legally do that. The mall didn’t own the roadway, but none of the kids was prepared to bitch to him, so he hoped they’d learn their lesson and be glad not to have to call their parents to bail them out of the police station.
By the time his shift was over all he wanted to do was sleep. He’d think of a date to take Hawthorne on tomorrow. He might even ask Dakota what she thought Hawthorne might enjoy. Hawthorne, so sweet and beautiful, yet sharp. He’d been surprised by what she said and what she wanted to do a few times yesterday and he liked that. He rather thought a woman who was totally predictable might become boring after a while. No way could he ever imagine Hawthorne being boring.
It’d been amazing when she’d asked to go to the adult shop. His dick had almost driven its way out of his pants as he walked through the store with her. Which reminded him, he needed to buy some chocolate condoms. And a few other things she’d looked at as well. Those fluffy handcuffs. Oh yes. And maybe that really short little nurse’s uniform. He could imagine a nice game of doctors and nurse with himself, Dylan, and Hawthorne. Hell, yes.
* * * *
Hawthorne was excited to see there was a Zumba class at the fitness center, and she’d even met the woman who was the trainer for it and the aerobics classes. She was tiny, and Hawthorne was sure she was a wolf. But all Marbella had said was, “Honey, when you’re as short as I am, you need to be fit enough to run away from trouble. Ain’t no way you’ll ever be strong
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