upset with the Council; I’m upset with them too, but you need to think this through. Come back with me. I will clear my schedule and we can plan for a trip back here, but we will do it right.” What he is saying is valid, but I also know that if I go back, there is a good chance the Council will forbid me from coming back.
“I can’t take that chance, Masters. You know just as well as I do that if I go back and the Council forbids me, I will be stuck with many more questions than before, but still no answers. I will not ask you to stay here. In fact, I’m going to order you to leave. I need them to see me as one of them.” He clearly does not like that answer and is about to open his mouth to tell me so but I put my hand up to stop him. “It is very rare that I pull rank on you, Kevin, but you know that when I do, it is for the best. You have trusted my instincts up until this point and I need you to trust them again now. I trusted you by telling you that I know something is wrong. The Council is either playing me or hiding things from me, and I can’t run a country on lies. As the person in charge of our Country’s safety, you know better than to ask me to continue to do so. I appreciate your concern, I really do, but please support me on this,” I'm almost begging him. Master nods.
“I will always back you up, Roz, always. I know you are doing what you think is best, but I don’t like leaving you here alone. I trust Malik and a few others I know who will not bring you harm, but I don’t know everyone and that makes me uneasy. I just plain don’t like it.”
“I know you don’t. I’m sorry to leave you feeling uneasy, but I promise I can look out for myself. I still remember those self-defense techniques and I’m going to have you send Wesley to me tomorrow. He doesn’t do well with change and the fact that I left without telling him is going to throw him for a loop. I’d like you to ask him to bring me some casual clothes and the necessities. He can check on me or you can come back with him and see for yourself that I am fine. I will message Judy from here and let her know that I will be out of the office for a while. You can message me at any time to check in and tell Natasha that she is free to do the same, ok?”
Masters nods yes, but he still doesn’t look happy about it. “Natasha’s going to kill me, you know this right?” he asks.
I laugh out loud. “I’m pretty sure you can take her wrath.” At his raised brow, I add: “Or find a way to make it up to her.”
He starts shaking his head and voices out, “Oh no, you don’t. You don’t get off the hook by switching topics to my love life.” Ha!
“So you admit that you and Natasha have a love life then? I knew it! You are welcome, by the way.” Masters throws his hands up and mutters something about women. I just smile and since nobody is around, I give him a hug.
I am so surprised when he hugs me back. “Promise me that you will keep your eyes open and stay alert. At the smallest sign of trouble, you yell out for one of the guys. They are always on patrol. Okay?”
“I’ll be fine, Masters. I think you are just going to miss me.” He smiles at me softly.
“I just might, little one.”
“That’s President little one to you. I appreciate your help with this. Annabelle is going to have you in her office before you set foot on the grounds. They will already know you told me about this place and that I’m here. Don’t let them know of my suspicions. Tell them I’m pissed off that I was kept in the dark, but that I needed to spend time here just like in the prisons to make sure that I am aware of all the circumstances. And please tell her also to let the Council know that we will be having a meeting to discuss it further when I come back.” He nods his understanding. “Don’t forget to tell Wes about bringing me my things and if you can ask him if Miriam can pack some food, I will really appreciate it. I don’t want
Nancy Toback, Candice Miller Speare
Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton