final ^la*V
X don + mean +o brag or any+King, bo+ wKa+ we came o^ wi+K was WAY be++er +Han +he Crossland H Vie realised we were gonna need +o ge+ +he word oo+ +Ka+ we were doing +Kis +bw'ng, so we go+ some ^>aper and made o^> a buncK of flyers.
I'll admit mayhe we stretched the truth <» little in our advertisement, hut we had to moke Sore people actually showed i^>.
By the time we ■finished ^uttin^ the flyers uf> around the neighborhood and 30+ hack +0 Rowley's basement, it was already
, and we hadn't even started putting the actual haunted house together yet.
So we had to cut some corners flrom our ordinal ^>lan.
rolled around, we looked oo+side +o see
anyone Kad sKowed op. And Sore enoo^K, +Kere were aboot -twenty nei^KborKood kids waiting in line outside Rowleys basement.
Mow, X know oor -flyers said admission was fifty cents, but X coold see tKat we Kad a cKahce to make a killing Kere.
So X told tKe kids tKat admission was +wo bucks, and +Ke frfty-cent tKing was just a -typo.
XKe first kid +o cougK up Kis -two bocks was SKane Snella. He paid Kis money and we let Kim inside, and me and Rowley +ook oor positions in tKe H«*U
"The Hall
Screams was basically a bed wi+H me ahd Rowley oh ei+Her side
X ^ueSS maybe we made +He Hall
Screams a li++le +oo scary, because Hal/way -tHroucjH, SHahe curled Up ih a ball uhderhea+H +Ke bed. Vie -tried +o ^e-t Kim +0 crawl ou+ -from uhder +Kere, bu+ He wouldh’+ bud^e.
X S+ar+ed -tHihkih^ abou+ all +He mohey we were losih^ Wi+K +K.S kid dojjgih^ up -tKe H“ll
Screams, ahd X khew we Had -to ^e+ Him ou+
+Here, <^uick.
E-Veh+ually, Rowley s dad came dowhS+airs. A+ frsi
X was Happy +0 See Him, because X +HougH+ He could Help us dra^ SHahe ou+
m uhder -tHe bed ahd ^e+ our Hauh+ed House crahkihg a^aih.
Rowleys dad wanted +o know wKat we were doing, and wKy SKane Sriella was curled u^> under tKe feed.
Vie told Kiri tKat tKe basement was a Kaunted Kouse, and tKat SKane Snella actually PAID •for us +o do tKis +o Kim. But Rowley s dad didn’t believe uS.
I admit tKat if you looked around, it didn't really look like a Kaunted Koose. All we Kad time to ^>ut togetKer was tKe H«H of Screams and tKe Lake of Blood, wKicK was just Rowleys old baby ^>ooI witK Kalf a bottle of ketcKu^> in it.
I tried +o show Rowleys dad our original plan +o prove -that we really were running a legitimate operation, but he still didn't seem convinced
And io make a long story short, -that was the end
of our
haunted house.
"The good news is, since Rowleys dad didn+ believe us, he didn’t make us refund Shane’s money. So at least we cleared two bucks toda^.
Rowley ended up getting grounded
that whole haunted house ness yesterday. He's not allowed to watch TV -for a week, AND Kes not allowed to have ne over at his house during that tine.
That last part really isn't fair, because that's punishing ne, and I didn't even do ary-thing wrong. And now where an I supposed +o play r-y video ganes?
Anyway, I felt kind
Rowley. So tonight, I -tried to nake it up to hin. X -turned on one
Rowley s favorite TV shows, and X did a play-ty-play over -the phone so he could kind
experience it that way.
X did my best io keep up wi+H wHa+ was ^oih^ oh oh +He screeh, bu+ +o be Kohes+ wi+H you, X'm hoi Sure
Rowley was ^et+ih^ +He -foil effec+.
Vletl, Rowleys ^rouhdihg is fhally over, ahd just ih -ftme
Halloweeh, +oo. X weh+ up +o His House +o cHeck ou+ His coS+ume, ahd X Have +o admi+, X'm a li++le jealous.
Rowley S Mom 30+ Him -+H»'S khi^H+ coS+ume +Ha+S WAY cooler +Hah His coS+ume from las+ year.
His knigh+
came wi+K a Helme+ and a shield
and a real sword and EVERYTHING.
X've never Kad a s+ore-bougH+ cos+une before.
S+ill Kaven+ figured ou+ wha-f
gonna go as -tomorrow nigk+, So XII probably JoS+ +Krow