Denying Bjorn

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Book: Denying Bjorn Read Free
Author: Charisma Knight
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was very attractive, but just didn’t seem like Bjorn’s type. She sported a short hairstyle when she didn’t have her braids in, and had the body of an angel with the black heart of a demon. She always had been that way. No wonder they’d almost lost everything they’d owned out in Cali, thanks to Dawn’s greed and carelessness. The woman, although her cousin, could not be trusted.
    Lydia was also aware of the fact that Dawn knew she was attracted to Bjorn. Was she actually going out of her way to make her jealous? She studied the sickening smile on her cousin’s face. Of course she was.
    “Well good for you,” Lydia lied in a low voice. “I’m glad. You need to get out of the house.” She still couldn’t believe it. Bjorn wasn’t known for dating any female employee. “I’m busy, Dawn. I have a lot to do.”
    Her cousin shrugged. “Suit yourself. Don’t wait up for me tonight.” With a toss of her head, Dawn sauntered out the double glass doors, leaving Lydia heavily disappointed. She returned to ordering office supplies online.
    Maybe it was for the best. Perhaps Dawn and Bjorn would make the perfect couple. Not. Well, she hoped not. Who the hell did Lydia think she was kidding? It was no joke. The man clearly wasn’t interested in her . . . but interested in her skank of a bitch-ass cousin? She really tried wrapping her mind around that one, but it gave her a headache.
    Admitting that toasted Lydia’s buns. True, they both had been courtesans, but at least Lydia knew when to draw the line. Dawn still carried on with certain activities for fast money whenever it suited her. She wasn’t genuinely interested in Bjorn, just his wallet, and Lydia knew she would bed him the first chance she got.
    Heat rose and burned Lydia’s cheeks as an image of Dawn and Bjorn having a heated encounter flashed through her mind. Her bottom lip trembled in anger. Or, was it jealousy? She supposed it was a little of both.
    “Whatever.” Lydia snorted and tried to shrug off the green-eyed monster just before the phone rang. She forced a smile and answered. “Good afternoon, Draguun Incorporated, how may I direct your call?”
    She recognized the baritone voice right away. It was him. Speak of the devil. “Yes, Bjorn?” She refused to hide the agitation in her voice. If she saw him right now, she’d probably deck him.
    “Look, I need to apologize to you for the way I acted earlier.”
    “Yes. Please forgive me for the way I spoke to you this morning.”
    “I know. You just have a lot on your mind.” Her tone was sarcastic. She was going for the jugular. “Oh, and have fun with Dawn tonight.” She lowered her voice to almost a snarl. Yeah, she wanted him to know that she knew about his little date with her cousin. It was hard, but she was fighting the jealousy. Actually, the emotion was winning, almost taking her over, but she managed to maintain a little bit of her cool.
    “What are you talking about?”
    The man sounded confused. Perhaps someone should give him an Oscar for sounding so damn convincing.
    “You and Dawn are going out tonight . . . to dinner, from what I hear.” She sat back in her chair, awaiting an answer. An outright lie, she expected.
    “No, doll, I’ve never asked your cousin out. I really have no idea what you’re talking about. Listen, I’ll be back to the office sometime around four o’clock. Can we talk then? I really owe you an explanation.”
    “I’ll be gone by five,” she snapped. Why the hell would he stoop so low as to lie to her? What a dick. “I’m not waiting around, either.”
    “I’ll see you at four.” He really sounded convincing. “If I can return to the office earlier, then I will.”
    “Yeah, I’ll see you then.” With that, she hung up the phone quickly and sought to become lost in her work again. Since it was lunchtime, the office was rather quiet, and she enjoyed it.
    As she worked, she entertained the thought of finding a

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