one exceeded Coalition standards by a considerable margin. Standing almost nineteen meters high, she contained three decks. The bottom of the ship was almost rectangular with wings containing the sublight engines protruding from each side. The lower deck contained engineering and the landing bay. The upper two decks of the ship were more narrow and contained the bridge, common areas, med-bay, galley, weapons locker and crew quarters. Her hull was made of Gralium, the hardest metal known to man. The light drive was mounted at the rear of the ship and four heavy landing struts allowed her to gently sit a meter off the ground.
Being Sea Side Enterprises ' latest ship meant having the coolest toys. Serge and he had designed her for deep space exploration, which included many unknowns, and to this point, the only unknowns humanity had encountered had tried to kill them. So they made sure she had the strongest shields, most powerful plasma beams and most advanced light drive which would normally be too expensive to put on a private vessel - unless you own the company.
Endeavor ’s AI - Secure Artificial Man-Made Intelligence or SAMMI for short, is the first interactive AI designed for a ship, and had actually saved their lives with the hard shut down. All of the systems could have been severely damaged or destroyed in the accident, had it not been for SAMMI’s quick action. SAMMI is one of three systems aboard Endeavor the military would kill to get their hands on, if they knew the technology existed. The other technologies that set her apart are the anti-fighter technology and the cloaking technology.
The anti-fighter technology uses a massive stored up electrical charge to shoot out an eight kilometer laser net that disables or destroys any small ship in its path. The only downside to the tech is the power drain; it takes almost eight minutes to build up a large enough charge to fire again. She is also equipped with a dozen lasers, outfitted with motion activated guidance, to keep any fighters brave enough to approach at bay until the next charge can be fired.
The cloaking technology , though, was the coup de grace. Most military ships had stealth systems that made them difficult to see against the back drop of space, as well as sensor masking tech to keep ships that weren’t looking too closely from picking up their trail. Endeavor ’s cloak was far more advanced; total invisibility in space, or even more impressively, on land. Sensors couldn’t pick her up when cloaked, and eyes couldn’t see her when cloaked. The only downside was that due to the power requirements, she couldn’t use her shield or fire her weapons when cloaked.
She was the latest ship to be created by Sea Side Enterprises, the corporation owned by Jesse and his older sister Nina, a one of a kind technological marvel. SSE had been the chief supplier of the military’s Leviathan Battle Carriers, War Hawk Frigates, Eagle Assault Shuttles, and Viper Fighter Squadrons, as well as most of its planetary defense technology since the beginning of the Jarlevian war. The Jarlevian came into Earth’s sector seemingly out of nowhere. They were pale blue humanoids, large and powerfully built. The average Jarlevian soldier stood about six foot-seven inches tall. Their bottom teeth were razor sharp and they all seemed to have angry demeanors. Earth had been fortunate Jesse's gambit to stop them had succeeded and brought a quick end to the war.
SAMMI’s next announcement broke into Jesse’s thoughts. “Navigation and internal sensors are now online. I have begun running a diagnostic of the ship, and have discovered that the main power coupling that runs to both the shield and cloak has been damaged. According to inventory, a replacement coupling can be found in storage compartment A-thirteen.”
“That’s n ot too bad,” Collin called out. It was the first time Jesse had heard him speak since he woke up. “It’s a twenty minute fix, max, once the rest of
Ann Voss Peterson, J.A. Konrath