James had done, but I was head over heels in love with this girl. I could tell that she was developing feelings for me, and if I were James, I could read exactly what they were. I was his much younger brother and hadn’t picked up that skill.
We talked well into the night and finally she yawned and announced that she was heading for bed. She stood and looked at me expectantly and I told her to sleep well and I’d see her bright and early. She acted as though that wasn’t what she’d expected from me, but crawled into the tent and closed the flaps. I put a dome shield over the campsite that would prevent unwanted visitors and alert me if we had any. I laid out my bed, curled up next to the fire and went to sleep.
Chapter Two
T he next morning I woke and laid out food for both of us. I waited until she crawled out of the tent and gave it to her. I ate quickly while she woke and ate. I emptied her tent and rolled her bedding for her. I took down the tent, marveling at the simple ingenuity of the contraption. She didn’t seem like much of a morning person and the sun had been up over an hour before we started walking.
She shyly took my hand as we started off and my heart leapt with joy. Perhaps she was feeling the same about me as I was her. We kept a due north direction of travel, according to a small circular device she carried. We slipped across small roads and carefully crossed large highways that seemed to crisscross the countryside. We made camp as night fell and Amber surprised me with a light kiss before retreating to her tent.
Around noon on our fourth day, we stumbled across a small town. Our supplies were running low and Amber asked if I had any money. I pulled out all that I had and handed it to her. The shocked look on her face convinced me that I still had a lot.
She said, “You’re just going to hand this much money to me and not worry about it?”
“What would you do? Take it and leave? I’d be more upset about losing you than I would the money. If you want it, it’s yours. I thought that since I wasn’t from around here, you could handle the purchases, because I’m not that familiar with the price of things.”
She blushed. “Ok, I’ll do some shopping at the grocery store and see if there might be anything else that we find we need. I still think that I’m dreaming sometimes, Davie. I won’t wake up and find that I have been, and you’ll be gone, will I?”
“That could never happen, My Lady. I’ll be with you as long as you’ll allow. I’m sure that you’ve picked up on my feelings for you by now.”
We were walking into the store as she whispered her response, “I do think that you really like me a lot and it has confused me. I like you, too, but wonder why you haven’t tried climbing into bed with me.”
“Amber, I would never come to your bed uninvited! I was raised a gentleman and to respect women. I couldn’t just climb into bed with you. Besides, I’ve never been with a woman and I’m quite nervous about it.”
She giggled softly, “That part I can understand because I’ve never been with a man. Maybe we can learn together, some night.” She blushed profusely.
“It would be my honor, Amber.”
I walked beside her, holding her hand as she pushed a wheeled cart and selected items. She didn’t get too much because we were carrying everything we got everywhere we went. Her transaction at the counter went much smoother than mine had a few days before. She held the roll of money down and blocked people’s view, as if everyone might be a thief. If she acted that way, there was a good chance