Crime & Passion
guy like Frank
    “Never underestimate a woman, rookie.” Chief
Stone ran a hand through his silver-streaked hair and shook his
head. “Check into her more to make sure, but she’s probably a dead
end. Did she tell you anything useful?”
    Donovan hesitated. “She did say one thing
that was interesting.” And sure to land Donovan in trouble as soon
as Stephanie Johnson complained.
    Stone raised a bushy eyebrow. “Out with it,
    He knew he’d have to tell them. It would look
worse if he didn’t. “She thought maybe, and she’s not very sure
about this, but it’s possible the jogging suit could be a police
uniform or some other type of suit entirely. If that was the killer
she saw, obviously he wasn’t down there for an evening jog.”
    “Hmmm...” Stone leaned back in his chair and
put his arms behind his head. “And you two were the only officers
near the scene at the time. What does that say?”
    “We were eating dinner, sir,” Eric
    Donovan launched a quelling glare at his
partner, praying the dumb rookie wouldn’t say anything else. “Like
I said, Chief, Madeline wasn’t too sure about anything.”
    Stone sat straight up in his chair.
    “Miss Scott,” Donovan amended, shaking his
head at his own carelessness. He already sat in a precarious
position with Chief Stone, and it wouldn’t do to act interested in
another woman.
    Donovan dated Stone’s daughter for a few
weeks before growing tired of her possessiveness and clingy nature.
Stone foolishly thought Donovan would commit to her and had been
pissed when Suzie tearfully informed him Donovan had other plans.
Donovan couldn’t help it if he wasn’t the marrying type.
    More accurately, he couldn’t help it if most
women bored him to tears. He’d dated Suzie as long as he had out of
respect for the Chief. She still came around the station house
nearly every day, making mooneyes in Donovan’s direction. It was
enough to drive him mad.
    Then again, he’d cycled through the available
talent in this small town. Heavy tourist traffic wouldn’t start for
another few months. Madeline Scott just might provide a much-needed
break in the monotony of his current dating life. She seemed smart
and definitely had a sarcastic sense of humor, even when faced with
a body. They could have fun together for a while.
    The Chief stood and walked to the office
door. “See that you keep things on professional footing with Miss
Scott, Andrews. I don’t want any problems with my witness.”
    Donovan nodded as Stone opened the door, and
Eric hurried past them out into the main room.
    “A quick question, sir.” Donovan’s heart beat
fast, but at Stone’s nod he dove on. “Who’s questioning Stephanie
    “It’s already been handled.”
    “And did she mention a reason someone might
have done this?”
    Stone shrugged. “She’s only interested in
getting her children back. She didn’t even blink when they informed
her Frank was murdered. Maybe she’ll talk to us more once she’s met
with Social Services.”
    Well, wasn’t that funny? Here Donovan worried
about Stephanie accusing him of killing her husband, but perhaps
she did it herself. “Are we looking at her for this?”
    “Yeah.” Stone wiped a large hand across his
wrinkled face. “She seems a more likely candidate than Miss Scott.
So far, she’s the only person I’ve found who has motive. Get back
to work and round me up more suspects. I don’t want those kids
yanked out of her house a second time if there’s a chance someone
else did this.”
    Donovan nodded and walked to his desk. He
flopped into the chair, fear clutching his chest. So far, at least,
no one knew about him punching Frank.
    Eric glanced up from the papers in front of
him. “You okay?”
    Closing his eyes and leaning back, Donovan
didn’t respond. If word got out Stephanie was a suspect and it
looked like she wouldn’t get her children back, there was no way

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