Crashing The Concert (Undercover Lust # 2)

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Book: Crashing The Concert (Undercover Lust # 2) Read Free
Author: Nicole Sanchez
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disappearance had been solved , she was still hoping that it could have had a happier outcome . The pending excitement gathering in the air was becoming even more evident . Scarlet could sense the stares and leers of the males in the crowd . Many of them were jockeying for position to try to sneak a peek down her blouse to see her perfectly shaped breasts . She even caught one man with his camera phone trying to take pictures up her skirt . Deep down she enjoyed the attention . She responded to the man in question , “ If you want a look at what ' s under the skirt , meet me in the parking lot after the show and I will let you taste it for yourself .” She enjoyed being a tease when she was undercover , she got off on the fact that when not undercover , she was a straight laced police officer , and undercover , she was able to let her slutty side out and be completely free . She always preferred to attend these concerts alone it allowed her to be free and not have to worry about someone not being interested in her with a man or even a female attached to her . She for the most part was calmed down and waited as the long line Scarlet was in slowly made its procession towards the ticket takers working the main gates and proceeded through the usual basic search once inside the actual arena . The arena was pretty good about getting most of the alcohol , video recorders and guns off the people as they came in .
    The huge , white , muscle bound guard at the main entrance looked her up and down , reached up under her skirt and inside her blouse and said in a voice loud enough for everyone 10 feet around to hear , " This bitch is clean , I checked her and she is not carrying anything under her clothes !"
    Scarlet just winked at him and seductively licked her lips with her pierced tongue , teasing the hulk of a man . However , he made it a point that his large hands brushed her breasts again and down her slender hips . The feel of his large hand made Scarlet ' s soft , pink , pierced nipples begin to peak and stiffen . As she passed , the guard looked down her blouse and got a clear view of her erect nipples and her chocolate brown areolas . He stopped her and whispered in her ear , I would love to nurse on your nipples and play your pussy like a finely tuned violin , I get off when the last song plays , then if I am lucky , I will be getting off with you an hour or so later . ”
    “ I Will have to see what I can do , big man , are you sure that a man like you can handle a woman as fast as me ?” Scarlet wandered up and down the halls a while the lame opening act pretended to play what they claimed to be their biggest hits . In all , honestly it sounded more like a preteen garage band with Down syndrome . She desperately did not want to get there excessively early and have some latecomer push her back to the cheap seats , the way she usually did to the legitimate front - row patrons .
    Scarlet made her way down to the ladies room and enjoyed a few Marlboro cigarettes , shooting the shit with some other scantily clad girls . Many of the girls took a look at her outfit and expressed disgust that someone would go to such an extreme to look as much of a slut as Scarlet was going out of her way to appear .
    Finally , the disaster known as the opening act finished to the apparent joy of most of the near 15,000 people that had made the decision to suffer through their set . The arena lights came up and the local radio station that was hosting the concert came on over the enormous speakers and started blasting off hits from ZZ T op and Guns n Roses . A thick fog of cigarette and marijuana smoke lingered in the arena .
    After wasting some more time wandering around checking out the many fine pieces of meat wandering the halls and a few of the ladies , that Scarlet was not opposed to sharing her bi - sexual side with . Scarlet could tell when there was about 10 minutes until " DWL " as they were known , would take to

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