wonderful radio station that you have produced over the years. I tune into your station more than any of the other radio stations available in this area, and I enjoy my time listening to it in the car when I am driving to and from work.
Last year, I went through a heartbreaking divorce; I found out that my wife had been cheating on me for some time and she decided to leave me for another man. I was devastated, especially because I was clueless about the fact that there was anything wrong with our relationship.
When she left, I felt completely alone and didn't know what to do with my life. Your radio station helped to me to remember that God is always aware of my situation, and so I turn to Him for the comfort and peace that I needed. Because of your teachings about the Bible, I was able to draw closer to God. I am a better person despite my trials, and some of the credit should go to you.
Thank you for your diligent work and the light that you share with the world. You are truly a man of God.
Chelsea was touched by the handwritten notes, recognizing that her father had impacted the lives of people that he knew on a personal level, as well as strangers who tuned into his radio station on a regular basis. Over the years, his main focus was to help people find their way to Christ, and the letters were proof that he had made a difference in his work.
The thought occurred to her was that there were probably more messages like this in his e-mail and through the contact form on the radio station's website. Her father had not used much online technology with the radio station, but he had hired someone to set up a basic website five years back and he knew how to check his e-mail. Surely, more people sent him thank you notes via email since digital communication became more common in recent years. Chelsea made a mental note to look for computer passwords so that she could access his online accounts.
The bottom drawer of the nightstand held several volumes of journals that her father had written. She opened one of the journals and saw her father's familiar handwriting, and started reading through some of his entries.
November 10, 2011
Today I started working to put together the schedule for the Thanksgiving broadcast. As I was going through script plans, I took a moment to ponder on the things in my life that I should be thankful for: my daughter, a comfortable home, so many great friends, and the opportunity to share the message of Christ with the listeners. I am so grateful to be in a position where I can preach the Good Word to those who want to listen.
Some days, it's easy to get caught up in my own struggles and worries, but those are the times when I need to step back and remember everything that God has blessed me with. He never said it would be easy, but it definitely will be worth it.
Chelsea flipped through the journal to see that her father had written consistently over the years. Many of the journal entries were short, but they all had good insights.
February 24, 2012
I am concerned about the financial state of the radio station. Now that the holiday season is over, I had a few more advertisers choose to not renew their advertising contracts. I know that God will provide, but I still find my faith weak at times. I need to remember that God is all-knowing, and even if I don't understand the final outcome... everything will work out in the end.
I am grateful that I am blessed with strong faith and trust in God, and I really hope that things turn around soon. At this rate, I'm not sure how long I can keep the station going if I can't locate any more advertisers.
Chelsea was touched reading her father's words, and she picked up another journal volume and opened a random page in the book to continue reading.
March 2, 1989
I am so happy to finally have found a career that is meaningful and enjoyable. After years of hard work, we are starting to see success with the radio station. It is great to talk with the
William Manchester, Paul Reid