his eyes that crinkled up when he smiled. His face was very textured and interesting to look at. He had mellow brown eyes with a noticeable black ring around the brown part. His eyes looked huge with his thick lenses. He had crazy untamed gray eyebrows that peeked out above his glasses. I looked away quickly because I’ve been told that I have a tendency to stare at people. I am conscious of it for their sake.
The dimple girl was back with Harry’s lunch. She pulled out a straw from the pocket of her scrubs. His lunch smelled heavily of rosemary.
“Please don’ t leave.” she said as I stood up. Dimples flared on the P.
“Oh, it’ s fine. I’m sure I’ll be back.” I said as I made my way to the doorway.
Harry clapped quickly and quietly to get my attention. I turned to face him. He held his pointer finger in the air to tell me to wait as he scribbled quickly on a scrap of paper and then he held it facing me. It read ‘Any time, OK?’
I smiled . “Deal.”
M y phone rang just then. It was Kevin.
“Hey”, I said as I made my way down the hallway.
“Hey, are you up for a movie?
“Um, sure . I just have to run home and change. Well, wait. What movie?”
Kevin and I had an understanding about movies but I still got worried every now and then . He was dating someone right now so that usually meant when I got asked to go-she didn’t want to. I hated war movies and Kevin liked them. They were just too much for me to deal with. I would fixate on a single terrible image. It was haunting to me and I wouldn’t put myself through it. So, he never asked. But, he liked war movies because he said he appreciated the honor. Neither of us cared for romantic comedies a ton or horror movies at all. Everything else was in.
“It’s that one we saw the preview for when we saw Second Degree of Damage . The one with the guy with the huge arms-remember? A Violent Tendency.
“Ohhhh. OK, sure I’m in. I just walked to the store so I’ll head home. Should I meet you at your house?” I hated lying to him. Although I was better at it on the phone than in person.
“Nah, the theater is closer to yours . I’ll pick you up. Good?” he responded.
“Yeah, that’s fine . I’ll be home in 20.” I said.
I hung up with Kevin and decided to stop at the convenience store on the way home . I grabbed us each a Slurpee and headed to my Grampa’s house.
As I walked up the drive, I noticed Murray’s truck behind mine. His truck was fire engine red and had wood panels on the tailgate. The front grill was chrome and so were the stacks in front of the driver and passenger door. There was a chrome silhouette of a lady on the front grill. Murray was leaning on the front bumper while my Grampa sat on the edge of the deck, both were having a beer.
Murray was a trim man whose pants were always huge on him. He almost always wore jeans and a baseball hat, but today he wore khakis-no hat. He must be heading out somewhere with his wife. He had a bit of a hunched posture and he was incredibly strong and hardworking-always had a clean shave. He said beards were too itchy. His salt and pepper hair was messy and a little too long. His pant legs were constantly stuck in his socks. It used to drive me crazy. I learned over the last few years that Murray didn’t care in the least and wasn’t about to fix it. He would say that I should be happy that he remembered to wear pants. So, now if his pants were stuck in his socks and it was bugging me, I’d just lean over and tug on his pants to fix it myself. He hardly noticed. Always had bigger things on his mind, he would say. He was like a second Grampa to me, and he was also my employer.
“Well hello, Miss Mel. Thirsty?” He said, nodding to my two Slurpees.
“Hey Murray, Hi Gramps. Nah, one is for Kevin. He’s heading over. We’re gonna go see a movie in a little bit.” I looked at my Grampa. His lips were pushed together and he was nodding without making eye contact. I got