tangerine the harpy is past caring the condor likewise in his mangy boa they stare out across monkey-hill the elephants Ireland the light creeps down their old home canyon sucks me aloof to that old reliable the burning btm of George the drill ah across the way a adder broaches her rat white as snow in her dazzling oven strom of peristalsis limae labor
ah father father that art in heaven
I find me taking the Crystal Palace for the Blessed Isles from Primrose Hill alas I must be that kind of person hence in Ken Wood who shall find me my breath held in the midst of thickets none but the most quarried lovers
I surprise me moved by the many a funnel hinged for the obeisance to Tower Bridge the viper's curtsy to and from the City till in the dusk a lighter blind with pride tosses aside the scarf of the bascules then in the grey hold of the ambulance throbbing on the brink ebb of sighs then I hug me below among the canaille until a guttersnipe blast his cernèd eyes demanding 'ave I done with the Mirror I stump off in a fearful rage under Married Men's Quarters Bloody Tower and afar off at all speed screw me up Wren's giant bully and curse the day caged panting on the platform under the flaring urn I was not born Defoe
but in Ken Wood who shall find me
my brother the fly the common housefly sidling out of darkness into light fastens on his place in the sun whets his six legs revels in his planes his poisers it is the autumn of his life he could not serve typhoid and mammon
Serena II this clonic earth
see-saw she is blurred in sleep she is fat half dead the rest is free-wheeling part the black shag the pelt is ashen woad snarl and howl in the wood wake all the birds hound the harlots out of the ferns this damfool twilight threshing in the brake bleating to be bloodied this crapulent hush tear its heart out
in her dreams she trembles again way back in the dark old days panting in the claws of the Pins in the stress of her hour the bag writhes she thinks she is dying the light fails it is time to lie down Clew Bay vat of xanthic flowers Croagh Patrick waned Hindu to spite a pilgrim she is ready she has lain down above all the islands of glory straining now this Sabbath evening of garlands with a yo-heave-ho of able-bodied swans out from the doomed land their reefs of tresses in a hag she drops her young the whales in Blacksod Bay are dancing the asphodels come running the flags after she thinks she is dying she is ashamed
she took me up on to a watershed whence like the rubrics of a childhood behold Meath shining through a chink in the hills posses of larches there is no going back on a rout of tracks and streams fleeing to the sea kindergartens of steeples and then the harbour like a woman making to cover her breasts and left me
with whatever trust of panic we went out with so much shall we return there shall be no loss of panic between a man and his dog bitch though he be
sodden packet of Churchman muzzling the cairn it is worse than dream the light randy slut can't be easy this clonic earth all these phantoms shuddering out of focus it is useless to close the eyes all the chords of the earth broken like a woman pianist's the toads abroad again on their rounds sidling up to their snares the fairy-tales of Meath ended so say your prayers now and go to bed your prayers before the lamps start to sing behind the larches here at these knees of stone then to bye-bye on the bones
Serena III fix this pothook of beauty on this palette you never know it might be final
or leave her she is paradise and then plush hymens on your eyeballs
or on Butt Bridge blush for shame the mixed declension of those mammae cock up thy moon thine and thine only up up up to the star of evening swoon upon the arch-gasometer on Misery Hill brand-new carnation swoon upon the little purple house of prayer something heart of Mary the Bull and