at Emma’s email flabbergasted. She was going off for two or three months with her roommate to India to do first an Ayurveda yoga retreat and then to go off to Rajasthan paid for by a travel magazine....there was no way she could send him letters from where they were going. He looked at the email again. No the contents had not changed...she was going to be impossible to reach for over two months, if she felt different about the obstacle of his family and friends at the end of this trip helping Georgina then they could start to date again and take it from there. He had no choice at all. If he closed his eyes her smiling face was dancing before him, if he opened his eyes he saw the email before him. He dragged his fingers through his thick dark hair. It is going to be alright. Don’t panic. He had two months to persuade his family that he intended to marry for love not money. He had been applying for overseas posts ever since that fated lunch. The best he had managed so far was Milan but he knew she detested it. Perhaps there would be some divine intervention from above and he would be posted to Asia so perhaps he could come and see her. Asia seemed so far away. Carlo phone d up Fabio and asked him if he would come for a walk around Campo dè Fiori, a piazza in Rome, which is a market full of flowers after its name by day time and a hive of activity by night. It was famous for its public executions. He needed the distraction of a lively night life and who better to go with than his dear friend, who had introduced him to Emma that fateful night in London. He didn’t feel he could face his family and people who were considered his childhood friends. The disastrous lunch was still too fresh in his mind. Thankfully Fabio agreed to come and they spent a lovely evening together mulling over their time together in London. “Have you heard from Chiara and Emma? What has happened to Emma you seemed so close in London! She is one hell of a great girl. We used to water-ski together and go sailing. Tell me how it went up in Amatrice; you took her there didn’t you. I actually thought you might have asked her to marry you...” “Whoa! Fabio!! Chiara is at University in London, she is studying hard. Emma has gone to India with her friend Georgina, she needed some breathing space. Antonella was not all that kind to her. In fact we are having a pause time to be sure what we feel is for real, since it all happened so fast. She decided that after the appalling behaviour of my family...Santo cielo!! My mother and Antonella frightened her away.... “Tell m e about it.... were they impossible? You were so right for each other, Santo Cielo what happened? Do your parents realise who she is and where she comes from?” “My family think that their son should marry for security. They do not understand love they do not understand that I am bored of those empty headed females, I like talking about all sorts of things.....” “I know it was one of the things I loved most about her. I could talk about anything with her.” “Did you love her as in love?” “For a while yes...she never showed any sign of reciprocating my feelings so we just are very good friends. Now that is enough for me.” Fabio admitted sadly. “What am I going to do? I close my eyes and she is there. I miss her so much. I really think this is the one!” Carlo sighed. He felt lost. Every time the songs they had listened to together came on the radio he had to change channels. Blaring out was the sound of Ornella Vanoni’s voice singing Dettagli, he could not believe it! The world was ganging up against him to stop him forgetting the most amazing summer he had had. “ And useless trying to forget For a long time in the life You will need to look for Details so small that you You’re not yet ready to understand...” Carlo switched channels again this just was not his evening for music! Even Fabio asked for pity! Please let there be a channel which was