I covered my mouth to hide my giggle. “I have got to tell my sisters about this.” I took off toward the door. “I’ll come back with my application later!” I shouted over my head but was then hushed by someone behind me.
I had to wait at the car for fifteen minutes before my sisters finally returned. When I told them what the old lady had said about the family who used to live in our new home, the reactions were mixed. Kiki and Tabby laughed, saying that explained the noises they had heard coming from the basement. But Fancy ‘bout wet her pants and began to shake with fear.
“Don’t worry, Fan,” I said, rubbing her shoulders reassuringly. “We’re scarier and fiercer than any ghosts living in our new house, or any other for that matter. All we have to do is shift and growl, setting our yellow, or in my case green, eyes aglow, and I’m sure those ghosts will have more respect for the living. They’ve never encountered anything like us before.”
She perked up and shook her head in agreement. “Yeah, you’re right, Cali. They will be in for the surprise of their lives.” Then she laughed and added, “Or should I say ‘deaths’?”
All four of us burst into laughter as we jumped into the car and headed back to our lovely haunted house on Cottage Cake Drive.
Chapter Four
Back at the house, we all seemed to look at things a little differently since we left town. It wasn’t that we were afraid really. I mean we were supernatural creatures ourselves, but just the idea that ghosts may be watching us was slightly creepy. But when nothing out of the ordinary happened, we were able to relax a little and go about our business.
Tabby was hired to work at the local diner, Fill’s Diner and Coffee House, while Kiki was hired on at the local bakery, Sweets N Treats. Fancy got a job at the local barber’s simply called Mitchell’s. So everyone had a job but me. It had been two days since I left the library and no call. Then it hit me as I was strolling past my dresser, I never turned in my application. There it was still sitting on my dresser. I grabbed it and quickly filled it out and then headed for the car.
“I hope no one needs the car for a little while! I need to turn in my application at the library.”
“Good luck!” Tabby called to me from the kitchen as I ran out the front door.”
This time I observed, as I strolled to the counter, that the library was practically empty. I was, however, pleased to see the same pleasant lady behind the desk.
“Well, hello again. Had any encounters with any ghosts?” She asked with a slight giggle.
“Not yet,” I responded, smiling. “But I did bring back that application.”
“Oh good,” she said, taking it from my outstretched hand and scanning over it. “It says here that you worked in the library at your high school back in Briarcreek.”
I nodded. I hated to think about that life. It was filled with so many pains and discomforts.
“Your name is Calico?” Her voice sounded almost confused.
“Umm, yes ma’am, but most people call me Cali.”
“That’s an odd name, but seeing the streaks in your hair it sort of fits, I guess.” She shrugged. “Well, we could probably use you here. Want to start tomorrow after lunch. Be here around one?”
My excitement was hard to contain. “I sure can!”
“Great. See you then.”
“Okay, Miss….” I waited.
“Oh, sorry. My name is Miss Cherry, but you can call me Celia.”
“Great. See you tomorrow, Celia.” I bounced out of that building with a renewed sense of accomplishment. One thought was screaming at me; I was really going to be happy here … and then I ran head first into a huge brick building—my new neighbor, and landed flat on my butt. Great!
A huge hand reached down and grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. The impact left me a little dizzy and confused. Was this the neighbor I hated so passionately?
Jo Beverley, Sally Mackenzie, Kaitlin O'Riley, Vanessa Kelly