Bye Bye Love

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Book: Bye Bye Love Read Free
Author: Patricia Burns
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lifting the flap in the bar to let her through.

    ‘That’s right,’ Scarlett agreed. Most of the boys she knew were gangling and spotty. Not like the heroes of books and films.
    There were more dirty glasses lined up on the bar. She piled those onto a tray with the ones she had collected already, staggered through into the back room and kicked the door closed behind her.
    It was cooler and the air was much clearer out here. Better still, there were no raucous voices calling out to her. It was tempting to linger over the washing up, spinning out the time before going back into the bar. Her school friends would all be at home or round at friends’ or relatives’ houses enjoying themselves this evening. They’d be playing card games or watching repeats of the day’s ceremony on their new televisions, not rushing about working. She thought of the copy of Gone with the Wind waiting for her upstairs. How nice to be able to slip up there now and escape into Scarlett O’ Hara’s world and just listen to the rumble of voices coming up from below, like she used to when she was younger.
    ‘Hey, Scarlett, my pet!’
    Her father’s head appeared round the door.
    ‘Those glasses ready yet?’
    Scarlett dried the last one and hurried out with the loaded tray. Her parents immediately grabbed them and started pouring fresh drinks.
    ‘Good girl—can you do the ashtrays now?’ her mother asked. ‘Yes, Mr Philips? Two best bitters and a mild, was it? And a G and T. Right. Mrs Philips here too, is she? How did the children enjoy the tea? All right, sir, be with you in a minute. Yes, I know you’ve been waiting. Scarlett, leave the ashtrays and serve this gentleman, will you?’
    Scarlett concentrated on the impatient customer as he reeled off a long and complicated round. Over on the far side of the public bar, a sing-song had started.
    ‘ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do —’
    Others took up the song until the whole bar had joined in.
    ‘ I’m half crazy, all for the love of you —’
    ‘Two port and lemons, a rum and blackcurrant, half of bitter shandy, a Guinness—’ Scarlett muttered to herself, adding it up in her head as she went along.
    People in the lounge bar heard the singing and started up a rival tune.
    ‘ Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves —’
    ‘Oh, and a pint of Coronation Ale, love,’ Scarlett’s customer added, shouting above the noise.
    Both songs were going full blast, but the lounge bar crowd didn’t know all the words to Rule Britannia , so they contented themselves with singing the chorus three times and tra-la-ing in between. The public bar finished Daisy, Daisy and started on Roll out the Barrel . The lounge bar lot gave up competing and joined in too. Scarlett finished her round and took the money. As she rang it up on the till, there was a crash and a thud behind her. She spun round and cried out loud. Her mother was slumped on the floor surrounded by broken glass and a pool of beer. Her face was deathly pale and her lips a dreadful bluish colour. Scarlett bent down beside her.
    ‘Mum, Mum! What’s the matter?’

    Victor crouched at the other side of her, patting her cheek, shaking her arm. His face was as flushed as hers was pale.
    ‘Joannie, what is it? Come on, Joannie, speak to me!’
    Joan’s eyes were staring. Jagged groans tore from her mouth as she struggled to breathe.
    ‘What’s up? What’s wrong?’
    People were leaning over the bar.
    ‘Joan’s had a funny turn.’
    ‘Get her into the fresh air.’
    ‘Get a doctor.’
    One of the regulars lifted the flap and joined them behind the bar.
    ‘Come on, Vic, let’s get her out the back.’
    In an agony of worry, Scarlett followed. She grabbed a cushion from one of the chairs to put under her mother’s head as the men lowered her mother gently to the floor, then Scarlett crouched beside her, holding her hand and feeling utterly helpless. What could she do? She

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