"They'll be prisoners?"
"Until we turn them over to the civilian cops on Franklin Station, yeah."
"Fine. I'll set them up in our finest minimal living standards compartments."
"By the book, Sheriff. These Greenspace guys love publicity. We don't want to give them any bones to gnaw on."
"Ah, shucks, there goes my idea for feeding 'em."
"Once you've worked it up, give me a rundown on your plans for confining them until we reach Franklin. I'll brief the XO after that."
"How many hippie peaceniks are we talking, sir?"
Paul checked the number of escape pods, each of which was automatically broadcasting the number of people on board. "Looks like twenty."
"Twenty? What am I gonna do with that many hippies?"
"I'm sure an experienced cop and highly qualified petty officer such as yourself will find a solution."
"Gee, thanks, Mr. Sinclair. Maybe I can stuff 'em into some of the officer staterooms."
"Can't use mine, Sheriff. The starboard ensign locker is already stuffed full."
"What a shame. Speaking of ensigns, are the rumors I hear correct, that you are now a lieutenant junior grade in the United States Navy?"
"That's so, Sheriff. I've been promoted. Any word on whether you're going to make chief petty officer this year?"
"No, sir. But if I do, I'll know it was all due to your inspired leadership, sir."
"I'm glad you appreciate that, Sheriff. See you later."
"Aye, aye, sir."
Carl grunted with satisfaction. "My, that looks purty." On his navigational display, a smooth curve arced from the Michaelson 's current path, aimed at intercepting the nearest of the Greenspace pods. From there, shorter curves leapt from point to point, painting intercept courses to where the other pods would be when the Michaelson reached them. "We should be able to nab those pods on the fly, if their grapple sites are up to specifications."
Paul studied Carl's work. "That's nice. Hey, maybe we ought to make sure the ship's gig is ready to launch, just in case we miss a pick-up on one of the pods."
"An excellent idea. I'm glad I thought of it."
"That's funny, you don't look like Sam Yarrow."
Carl grinned. Lieutenant Junior Grade "Smilin' Sam" Yarrow had a well-earned reputation among the other officers. "Okay, I'll admit you thought of it. Just don't compare me to Sam." He tapped a communications circuit. "Captain, this is the officer of the deck. I have a plan worked out for picking up the pods for your approval. I'd also recommend having the gig ready to launch in case we have a problem with any pick-ups."
Gonzalez's voice came back over the circuit. "Shoot me a copy of your plan, Carl. Okay, got it. Wait." A couple of minutes passed while Carl and Paul waited silently. One of the lessons Paul hadn't needed reinforcing was the foolishness of bantering on the bridge when the captain might be listening in. "Very well, Mr. Meadows. Execute your plan as you prepared it, and notify the First Lieutenant to get the gig ready."
"Aye, aye, ma'am. Execute the plan as prepared and ready the gig." Carl switched circuits. "Hey, Ensign Diego. Are you home?"
"Uh, yeah."
"This is Carl Meadows on the bridge. Have I got a deal for you."
"Carl, I'm working on updating my division's training records -"
"Not any more. The captain wants the gig crewed up and ready to go while we're hauling in those Greenspace escape pods."
"What Greenspace escape pods?"
"Oh, Randy. Being that out of touch with recent events is no way to make lieutenant junior grade. Let me know when the gig's ready." Carl swung and pointed to the bosun mate of the watch. "Broadcast a maneuvering warning when we hit the ten minute mark. Which is about forty seconds from now. Also order the gig crew to stations."
The bosun stiffened into a semblance of attention. "Aye, aye, sir. Maneuvering warning at the ten minute mark, and crew the gig." Carl spent the next few seconds sending a copy of the maneuvering plan to the XO, then the bosun opened the all-hands broadcast circuit and
Jared Mason Jr., Justin Mason