Bound Beneath His Pain: A Dirty Little Secrets Novel

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Book: Bound Beneath His Pain: A Dirty Little Secrets Novel Read Free
Author: Stacey Kennedy
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She looks to be in her mid-twenties, therefore legally allowed to be in Gabe’s club. “Besides that Hadley is Senator Winters’s daughter, I’m not seeing a problem here.”
    “Look at the next page,” Gabe states.
    I flip the photo over, finding a document stating that Hadley has been written up twice at Gabe’s club for unsafe behavior. Gabe’s more involved in his club than the rest of us. Ryder, Darius, and I all handed over control of our clubs to someone within whom we trusted to handle day-to-day business, though Gabe remained the go-to guy for his club.
    “I’m worried for her well-being,” Gabe says softly. “She’s beyond reckless. Twice now they’ve pulled her from a scene because she’s not safe-wording out when she should be. I watched a video of her, and believe me when I say she’s not playing safe.” He gives Ryder a knowing look. “Hadley is protected in my club. But one more instance like this and she’ll be banned.”
    Ryder draws in a deep breath before speaking. “She shouldn’t be there to begin with. If TMZ got ahold of this…” Posture stiff, he rubs the back of his neck. “When did she join Afterglow?”
    “A month ago.” Gabe takes the folder from me and places it in front of him, lifting a brow at Ryder. “What do you want me to do with her?”
    Ryder taps his thumb against the table in a steady rhythm. Then, “Until I can figure all this out, are there any men at Afterglow you trust implicitly?”
    Gabe nods. “A couple, yes.”
    “Perhaps, then”—Ryder frowns at the folder in front of Gabe with clear fierceness, almost a protective edge even—“as a punishment for being written up twice, order her to only play with the men you trust, in a private room. Keep her as secluded as possible.”
    “Done,” Gabe agrees, pushing his dark brown, unruly hair out of his face.
    Ryder leans back in his seat and I can see his mind is elsewhere. Which only reminds me how glad I am not to worry over
and the day-to-day goings-on
I can deal with money. I can fix business problems. I’m not very good at emotional issues that you inevitably have to deal with at our businesses. Unless it has to do with a sweet little treat named Allie. She
something I’ll happily deal with.
    “All right, Micah,” Darius says, breaking me away from my thoughts. “Tell us what unfolded with this pushy oil tycoon out of Texas.”
    I shove Allie from my mind for now, focusing on the reason for our meeting today, and report, “Craig Harrington attempted to purchase the nightclub
the other day, and word on the street was he planned to open a rival club. I bested his offer and stole the deal out from under him.”
    Ryder says, “We might have to bring Craig in and discuss the matter, if he continues to pursue opening a club.” His emerald green eyes sharpen as he leans back in his chair with his fingers laced behind his head. “But I’m not sure it would be in our best interests to let him know how involved we are.”
    “I agree,” says Darius, “It could backfire.” His face becomes stern as he slaps a hand on the table. “That said, I’m glad you took care of him, Micah.”
    I nod and smile. “Demolition starts in a couple weeks and a shopping center will occupy that space.”
    “You didn’t steal the property away,” Gabe says with laugh. “You eliminated it. Way to prove a point.”
    I do it to protect us. No one in this room wants a sex scandal about our preference for the darker delights of sex, or to give anyone the chance to blackmail us. Which are all things that come with fame and power. Besides, the sex industry is a booming business, and none of us wants to lose the money flowing in from our clubs.
    “With that out of the way,” Darius says, his eyes scanning the faces in the room, “do we have any other matters to discuss?”
    Once Ryder and Gabe answer with a silent shake of their heads, I speak up. “Now’s a good time to review our plans for next

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