Bought: A Billionaire Romance

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Book: Bought: A Billionaire Romance Read Free
Author: Sadie Keynes
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difference, making sure this deal works really is the best choice.
    “I…I guess you’re right,” I say hesitantly.
    “You know it,” says Kelly, “So, was he as hot in real life as he looks in the magazines?”
    “Come on, just admit it, he’s hot.”
    “Well…I mean…I thought he was hot before I realized who he was.”
    “Hot AND a billionaire, that’s the total package. Do you think he wants you just for your crazy finance skills or is he after something else?”
    “Shut up!”
    “Oh come on, Clara, when was the last time you even went on a date? Maybe he’ll take you for a ride in his private jet.”
    “Not going to happen.”
    “Well if you don’t want him, can you at least introduce me to him? I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club…”
    “You’re gross.”
    “You know you love it.”
    We laugh together for a moment and I take a sip of one of the pink cocktails that appeared in front of us while we were talking. The drinks are already startingto go to my head. I’ll probably regret it in the morning, but right now I want some fun.
    “Do you know who his ex-girlfriend is?” asks Kelly
    “You know I don’t read those gossip magazines.”
    “A princess! His last girlfriend was literally a princess from some European country and now he’s after you. You have all the luck and you don’t even care. The only guy trying to get into my panties right now is that dumbass barman over there,” says Kelly gesturing to Greg who is desperately trying to serve all the customers packing the bar.
    “For the last time, he isn’t after me. I think I just impressed him with my skill at manipulating figures.”
    “Yeah, I bet he’d like to manipulate your figure,” says Kelly with a grin.
    I lightly punch her on the shoulder. There’s no way Kyan could be after me, is there? Well, if he is he made a pretty big mistake in making me part of a business deal. No way am I going to let him buy his way to my heart…or my bed.
    “Another cocktail?”
    “You sure that’s a good idea? I think you’ve got an important meeting tomorrow morning,” says a familiar southern drawl from behind me.
    No way. It can’t be him.             
    I turn in the bar stool to see the easygoing half-smile of Kyan Ellis. The last person in the world I want to see right now has appeared as if by magic. I can’t deny it, even in a simple white button-down shirt and a pair of jeans he still looks amazing.
    “OH. MY. GOD,” squeals Kelly, “You’re Kyan Ellis right?”
    “I am.”

Chapter 6
    Well isn’t this just a stroke of good fortune. I decide to hit up a bar I’ve never been to before in my life, get a couple of beers, maybe chat to some beautiful woman; if I can find one that is. The moment I walk in I see a familiar face: Clara Young is sitting at the bar with a friend, and she’s all dressed up. I’m not a great believer in destiny but, damn, the universe really does throw you a bone every now and then.
    “So are you out celebrating your new job, Clara?”
    I’ve got a thing for the hot nerdy girl look she has in her work clothes but holy hell does she look good in that tight black dress.
    “More like drowning my sorrows actually.”
    She scowls at me. Somehow she’s even more cute when she’s annoyed.
    “So you’re telling me you don’t want to be part of a project that’s going to reduce carbon emissions worldwide? I thought you were an environmentalist.”
    “More like the project that’s going to save your profit margins so you can invest even more in destroying the environment. When the new carbon tax system is announced in six months you’ll be hemorrhaging money unless you bring your emissions down.”
    I continue to underestimate Clara, she always seems to be a step ahead of where I think she is.
    “Do you think I’m that greedy? That I only care about my profits?
    Blunt, beautiful, and good with numbers. I think I’ve found the

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