looked at the paper again. Angela Dennis had paid for him to pretend to be a plumber and knock this Elizabeth’s socks off. That was just what he intended to do.
He’d even bought a new toolbox. He slipped his big wrench into the pocket of his zippered work suit and cued up some background music to play on his small radio.
As Nate got out of his car, he made sure his radio, and the handcuffs and badge, were ready for the next customer. He turned his phone to vibrate so it wouldn’t go off once he was inside.
Nate’s continued weight-training kept him strong enough that he could fight off anyone who might get too rowdy. He’d heard horror stories about getting jumped and having to make a run from the customer’s house bare-assed because their clothes had been ripped from their body.
Nate’s first appointment had ended with a golf clap.
Not this time. He looked the part, and he was ready to get the job done. He had manscaped enough to fit into the tiniest g-string and still look fantastic. This was a surprise for one girl. She wouldn’t be stuffing his g-string with dollar bills, because he’d been tipped ahead of time, and he was determined to make this worth the bonus.
At the door to the apartment building, Nate opened his tool box and sent his handler a text to let him know a time estimate and job arrival. His handler ensured him the picture was important for safety reasons. But as he took the obligatory picture for the Bently Bombers Entertainment Company, it was obvious to him they only wanted proof he’d shown up.
After the reply came through, he buzzed the apartment number on the order and asked for Angela Dennis and Elizabeth Townsend. Only instead of Elizabeth…the label over the buzzer said Betty Townsend. Surely this couldn’t be the same Betty he’d known in high school. Townsend was a popular name. Betty was a nickname, and it really couldn’t have been the drama club girl he’d known…
“Come on up. I’ve got a hell of a project for your drain snake.”
The words went right to his cock. It was her. Blue-eyed Betty had kept him in the gym working late into the night as he’d been traveling around the world. He’d told her he’d be back. He’d intended to come back for her, but how do you call a girl after a four-month tour? Was this job an April Fool’s joke for Betty, or was this a prank on him? Either way, he couldn’t perform like he was supposed to. His g-string underwear was no match for the hard on that sprung to life when those blue eyes he’d dreamed about since he was a teenager stared back at him through the video com device.
Shit . He couldn’t do it. But the door clicked open, and instead of running, he pushed inside the building.
What was he going to do? He couldn’t see Betty like this. He was supposed to be a successful worldly model. Would she recognize him? Maybe he’d changed enough that she wouldn’t know who he was. Best case scenario here, she’d think he was a real plumber. Like that would sound any better. Sorry I didn’t call you, Betty. I was unclogging toilets.
But he wasn’t the skinny, tall kid the fashion industry had snatched up. He had put on muscle, and his hair had darkened without all the hair stylists bleaching the hell out of it. His breathing had almost returned to normal when she opened the door and stole what little oxygen he’d corralled for his lungs.
Betty had changed her hair too. She was a brunette now, instead of the dusty blonde she’d been when she’d played Juliet. When she opened her apartment door and smiled at him, he nearly groaned. She may have changed a lot, but everything in him focused on what he remembered most.
Her eyes.
He was totally focused on her eyes until he caught her breasts in his peripheral vision. Damn . He remembered Betty being soft in all the right places, but now he knew exactly what to do with all her curves and he didn’t have enough blood in his brain to remember that he had been hired to