kind of imagination. But this’s exactly the way he got when those elves came looking for him.” “Elves? What elves? Are we suddenly starting to get somewhere?” “No. I just feel more comfortable calling them elves. Say they were elf-sized but they weren’t like any elves that we know. They were female. You ever see a female elf who didn’t look like the devil’s disciple?” Not my choice of descriptives but I knew what he meant. Even the ugly elf girls are pretty enough and wicked enough to melt your spine with a wink and a smile and a wiggle if the fancy takes them. “No. Never have.” “These girls . . . weren’t. They were almost asexual.” “How did you know?” Garrett! I do not enjoy such an oversufficiency of mind-space that I can waste any following your digressions. Save that for later. The creature is in the alley. It is confused. It can be captured. Will you please see to that and cease this passing the time of day with Mr. Playmate? “Play, my sedentary sidekick tells me one of your elves is skulking around in the alley out back. Why don’t we go invite him to the party? We can smack him around a little to break his concentration. Old Bones can ransack his mind while he’s distracted. Which means I’ll be able to find out what this’s all about and you’ll find out if there’s any real reason for you to worry.” Damn! That wasn’t the best word to use. Playmate worries. All the time. And his worry-to-success equation is an inverse proportion. He only gives up worrying and fussing when things get truly awful. Garrett! “All right!” He’s so damned lazy he can’t be bothered to die but he expects me to scurry like bees getting ready for winter. And sees no inconsistency. “All right. Here’s the official plan, Play.”
4 Playmate’s job was to come into the alley from its Wizard’s Reach end. Being younger and more athletic I took the longer way around so I could close in from the other direction. I trotted west on Macunado, then ducked into a narrow, fetid breezeway, where I kicked up a covey of pixies who were living under an overturned basket. Poor, new immigrants, obviously. I knew before I saw their ragged country costumes. “You folks better find yourselves someplace where you won’t have to fight off the cats and dogs and rats.” Though TunFaire’s dogs and cats do, mostly, know better than to bother little people. But rats, while cunning, aren’t always real bright. And as for the others, hunger has a way of overwhelming even the most pointed of past lessons. These little folk thanked me for my concern by swarming around me, cursing in tiny voices while threatening to stick me with teensy poisoned rapiers. When I entered the breezeway the Goddamned Parrot was a passenger on my shoulder. He was behaving. But once I started leaping and swatting at those damned mosquitoes he flapped toward a perch high above, whence he spouted gratuitous advice. To the pixies: “Stay to his left! He doesn’t see as well on that side . . . Awk!” The racket had attracted the interest of one of those leather-winged flying lizards that sometimes nap up on the rooftops between pigeon snacks. They aren’t common anymore, mostly because they have trouble outthinking large rocks. They make rats and pigeons look like shining intellectuals. They are very slow learners. This one looked particularly shopworn. The trailing edges of its wings were tattered. It had patches of mold on its chest. When it looked at the Goddamn Parrot it saw the answer to all its prayers. It was the scruffiest flying lizard I’d ever seen but it still looked like the answer to a prayer or two of my own. Life would be so much simpler if I got rid of the chicken in the clown suit—as long as I could manage it in some way that wouldn’t aggravate the Dead Man or Morley Dotes. Morley had gifted me with the jabbering vulture, accompanied by a strong suggestion that no harm should